September 23 is the first day of
What do we customarily cook on Thanksgiving?
These things change color and fall off trees.
This is a sport people enjoy watching and playing in the fall. The Seattle Seahawks are a team that plays this sport.
The freshest fruit in fall is...
An Apple
Your mom may tell you to put this on before you go outside to play in the fall.
A sweater or coat.
What activity involves riding through a field, and may sometimes be "haunted"?
Hay Ride
The most popular candy during Halloween is…
This is the way the air feels in fall.
Cold or Chilly
What is it called when we set our clocks back an hour?
Daylight Savings Time
Pumpkins are most commonly made into this dessert…
Pumpkin Pie
A carved pumpkin is also know as a...
The 3 ingredients sugar, marshmallows, and corn syrup make up this white, yellow, and orange candy…
Candy Corn
What is commonly drank both warm and cold during this time?
(Hint: beginning of type of vinegar)
Apple Cider