Hobbies and Travelling
Useful expressions

What is your job?

I am a/an..........


What hobbies do you have now?


Do you enjoy shopping? Why (not)?


Complete the sentences with the phrases: 

as a result / all the time / asked for / as well as / at a time / arrived at / and so on / all the way / at any time / all over the world /

  1. The children went down the slide two _____.
  2. Potatoes, onions, carrots _____ are vegetables.
  3. For his birthday, Don _____ a new toy truck.
  4. Midori practices the violin _____.
  5. They _____ the restaurant.
  6. She studied hard. _____, she got an A on the test.
  7. I play tennis on weekdays _____ on Sundays.
  8. The car broke down and we had to walk _____ home.
  9. The library is open 24 hours a day. I can study there _____.
  10. English is spoken _____.

1) at a time 2) an so on 3) asked for 4) all the time 5) arrived at 6) as a result 7) as well as 8) all the way 9) at any time 10) all over the world



1. Are you coming tonight? / 2. Does he eat? / 3. I am working / 4. Does he come ? / 5. He is playing. / 6. Are you coming? / 7.They are not coming


What are your responsibilities?

I deal with ...
I am responsible for...


What hobbies did you use to have 10 years ago?


Tell about the last thing you bought:

- price;
- size;
- color;
- place;
- delivery;
- general experience;
- are you going to buy there again?
- would you recommend this place?


Complete the sentences with prepositions:

with (x4) / from / about / for / into / to / in

  1. The children were excited ___ going to the zoo.
  2. The ground was covered ___ snow.
  3. When we lost the game, the coach was disappointed ___ my team.
  4. Canadians are different ___ Americans in many ways.
  5. When we saw the dark clouds, we were anxious ___ get home.
  6. The bride was dressed ___ a white gown.
  7. The shelf was crowded ___ books.
  8. I am not familiar ___ this brand of computer.
  9. Shakespeare is famous ___ his plays.
  10. The money was divided ___ three bags.

1) about / 2) with / 3) with / 4) from / 5) to / 6) in / 7) with / 8) with / 9) for / 10) into


Translate into English (Use: will, be going to, present continuous) :

1. Возможно, посмотрю приключенческое кино вечером.

2. Во вторник я веду сына на футбольный матч.

3. Я не очень хочу смотреть боевик. 

4. Я не собираюсь встречаться с друзьями. 

5. Он собирается навестить родителей? 

6. Вечером точно пойдем бегать. 

7. Джейн опоздает на встречу. Она всегда опаздывает.

Sentences are from Unit 10, Slide 20.

  1. I think I'll watch an adventure film tonight.

  2. On Tuesday I'm taking my son to a football match.

  3. I don't really want to see an action film.

  4. I'm not going to meet my friends.

  5. Is he going to visit his parents?

  6. We'll definitely go running tonight.

  7. Jane will be late for the meeting. She's always late.


What do you find challenging in your job?


What hobbies are you going to to take up (start doing)?


Complain about one shopping experience (shops, cinema, hospital, hotel) using Past Simple and Past Continuous:

- rude staff;
- long queue;
- the price was wrong;
- there was no colour or size you wanted;
- you didn't get the discount on your birthday;
- noise;
- unskilled or low-skilled specialist;
- your idea.


Answer the questions:

1) What is worth visiting in your city?

2) Who are thankful for? what for?

3) What are used to doing before you go to bed?

4) Who does X (company) belong to?

5) What reasons can be for calling off a wedding?

4) Ilon Mask
5) death, joke, cheating, poverty, new love, etc


Translate into Russian:

  1. Мы сможем начать этот проект, когда Джейн принесет отчет.
  2. Я не буду начинать следующую книгу, пока не закончу эту. 
  3. Майк купит круиз по Средиземному морю для своей семьи после того, как вернется из бизнесс-путешествия.

1) We will (be able to) start this project when Jane bringS her report.

2) I won't start next book until I finish this one.

3) Mike will buy a  Mediterranean cruise for his family after he returnS from the business trip


What did you want to become when you were a child? Why? Why didn't you become one? 



If you had a chance, where would you like to go?

If you are going to start your own business, what will it be?


What can you recommend me to buy if:

- I am always oversleeping?
- I am lost in a new city?
- I want to roast meat?

alarm or rooster / map or GPS / oven, frying pan


Answer the questions:

1) What types of people can't you stand working with?

2) When you were a child, what things couldn't you afford?

3) Can you count on the weather forecast in your city?

4) What dreams have already come true?

5) When you feel down, what can cheer you up?


Make the sentences in Present Perfect

1) Ernie has broken his leg four times
2) I have never flown a kite
3) Has your brother ever eaten snails?
4) Our friends have not played volleyball this month
5) Has he borrowed your pen?
6) My father has never read romantic books
7) I haven't seen Julia this morning


What is your dream job? Why?


Tell me about the place where you have been to and didn't like it, and why?


What are going to buy next? What will you buy for sure? Why?


Smile :)


Complete the sentences with the verbs in forms of Past Simple or Present Perfect:
