This protective equipment should always be worn when using hand tools
safety glasses
This form of matter results from superheating a gas.
What is Plasma?
This is the result of torque and rpm.
What is horsepower?
Caused by too low of octane, too high compression or high engine loads.
What is a detonation?
This law covers exhaust and evaporative emission standards
What is the Clean Air Act of 1970?
The three types of wrenches
What are box end, open end & combination.
The three things that affect air density.
What are altitude, temperature and humidity?
The property of an object to resist changes in motion
What is inertia?
Combustion lag takes place at this time
What is just after timed ignition.
This is the emission that results from unburned fuel
What is HC?
The size of socket that should be used on a fastener.
What is the smallest that will fit?
Liquid droplets suspended in air.
What is atomization?
Energy that has not been converted yet
What is potential energy?
This abnormal ignition is usually caused by hot spots in the combustion chamber.
What is pre-ignition?
The measure of how full the cylinder gets
What is volumetric efficiency?
Slip joint pliers allow for this.
What are two or more ranges of opening?
If altitude increases air density does this.
What is decrease?
Indicates speed in a direction.
What is velocity?
This is the third stage of normal combustion
What is post combustion activity?
Air Injection systems are primarily designed to reduce these.
What are CO emissions?
This is used to control the amount of torsional force applied to a fastener.
What is a torque wrench?
Boyle’s Law says this will happen to the temperature of a gas as it is compressed.
What is increase?
The energy within a moving body
What is momentum?
This is the result of complete combustion.
What is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?
A measure of how much power is lost due to parts flex, friction, and other energy absorbing factors
What is Mechanical Efficiency?