Transmutation Station
A Century of Memes
Around the Hexagon
Symbols and Cymbals
Master Alchemists

Many alchemists thought it wise to search for this item, purported to transmute base metals into gold.

What is the philosopher's stone?


In 1910, this fraternity journal was first published.

What is the Hexagon?


This beloved scold was removed from Saturn's script in the 2018 revision of the ritual.

What is "Bombastus indeed!"?


The twelfth letter of the second object is this.

What is b?


Little is known about the life of this early alchemist, whose mythical name has been used by countless authors as a nom de plume.

Who is Hermes Trismegistus?


Any learned alchemist would accost you for not knowing this first line of the Emerald Tablet.

What is "what is below is like that which is above"?


In 1918, the biennial conclave was cancelled due to all members of the Supreme Council being preoccupied with this.

What is World War I?


When Paracelsus arrives at the fifth station, Mars is furious to find that he has been to see this Count.

Who is Alessandro Cagliostro?


This chapter has the second most living members of the Order of Altotus.

What is Alpha Kappa?


Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan was born in 721 or 722 C.E. in Tus, located in what is now this country.

What is Iran?


The symbol shown above represents "oil of vitriol", a corrosive liquid known more commonly today by this name.

What is sulfuric acid?


In this decade, the first women were initiated into Alpha Chi Sigma.

What are the 1970s?


Luna sought to fashion gold through many processes, including this, meaning to alloy with mercury.

What is amalgamation?


The newest inductee into the Order of Altotus is known as the Grand this, a term of Arabic origin used to refer to a high-ranking political advisor.

What is Vizier?


"The dose makes the poison" is a saying most commonly attributed to this 16th-century Swiss alchemist.

Who is Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastus von Hohenheim?


Alchemical treatises often make use of coded language, like the "gray wolf", which refers to this element, found in nature as the mineral stibnite.

What is antimony?


Whether or not you knew, the first initiation was held in an abandoned laboratory for this field of study.

What is meteorology?


The letters Alpha Chi Sigma stand for these Greek words, meaning "Brothers in Chemical Sciences".

What is "Adelphoi Chemeean Sopheea"?


The fraternity tartan features prominent red and white stripes, a reference to this institution.

What is the University of Wisconsin - Madison?


In 1786, Cagliostro was banished from France for his role in the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, an incident which, among other causes, led to this major historical event.

What is the French Revolution?


If you're stumped, you may be looking for this alchemical process associated with the zodiac sign for Cancer.

What is solution?


Element 106 is named for this member of the Alpha Chi Sigma Hall of Fame, who discovered ten elements in all.

Who is Glenn Seaborg?


Altotus is believed to have been a real person from this Mediterranean country.

What is Greece?


The Alpha Chi Sigma Sourcebook includes sheet music for a song about a supposedly shapely woman, titled this.

What is "Hexagon Girl"?


Paracelsus thought he had found the solution to formulating the "alkahest", a universal this.

What is a solvent?
