What is the vision of Alpha Xi Delta?
"Inspiring Women to Realize their Potential"
Who served as Alpha Xi Delta's first President?
Cora Bollinger Block
Your pin (Quill) should be worn on what side on your chest?
It should be worn on your LEFT side.
When date was Alpha Xi Delta founded?
April 17, 1893
What is our local and national philanthropies?
Arizona Children's Association
Kindly Hearts Initiative
What is the motto of Alpha Xi Delta?
"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword"
Who was Alpha Xi Delta's first Vice President and was both a teacher and a nurse?
Lucy W. Gilmer
What are the chapter's colors?
Double blue (light and dark) and gold
What college was Alpha Xi Delta founded at?
Lombard College
How many years have we held the highest GPA for all Greek Life here at ERAU?
2 years
What are Alpha Xi Delta's values?
Sisterhood, Leadership, Knowledge, and Service
Who designed the Quill badge that every Alpha Xi Delta wears today?
Lewie Strong Taylor
What is our flower?
The Pink Killarney Rose
What city and state was Alpha Xi Delta founded in?
Galesburg, Illinois
When was the Theta Zeta Chapter (our chapter) founded?
What are the 8 EC positions?
President, Chapter Life VP, Member Development VP, Finance and Operations VP, Membership VP, Philanthropy VP, Communications VP, Panhellenic Delegate
Which founder helped draft our first constitution?
Julia Maude Foster
BetXi Bear
What was the name of the fraternity that helped found Alpha Xi Delta?
Sigma Nu
How many Alpha Xi Delta chapters are there nationally?
125 Chapters
What is the sympthony of Alpha Xi Delta?
These things do we earnestly desire:
A clear vision of life, that with gracious and kindly hearts we may share both joy and sorrow and bring into living reality the Sisterhood of women.
An appreciation of real merit and worth, steadfastness of soul, that without bitterness or defeat we may encounter misfortune and with humility meet success.
These things, O Lord, help us to instill within our hearts that we may grow in courage and graciousness and peace.
Which founders were sisters by birth and in Alpha Xi Delta?
Almira Lowery Cheney and Frances Elisabeth Cheney
What are the creatures shown in our Coat of Arms?
How many women founded Alpha Xi Delta?
Which Pitch Perfect actress was an Alpha Xi Delta Alumna?
Chrissie Fit (Flo)