Which book tells the story of Adam and Eve?
Which Old Testament figure wrestled with an angel and had his name changed to Israel?
What mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments on?
Mount Sinai
What was the first miracle performed by Jesus?
Which miracle did Jesus perform to help a wedding when the wine ran out?
What was the prophecy given by the angel to Mary in the Gospel of Luke about Jesus’ birth?
The angel foretold that Mary would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit, and that her son would be the Son of God, called Jesus, who would reign as King forever (Luke 1:31-33).
Which Gospel was written by a tax collector?
Who was the father of King David?
What city did God destroy with fire and brimstone due to its wickedness, sparing only Lot and his family?
Which prophet parted the Jordan River with his cloak before ascending to heaven in a whirlwind?
What did God promise Abraham in the Book of Genesis?
God promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and inherit the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:2-3, 17:8).
Which Old Testament book does not mention God?
Which prophet was commanded to marry a prostitute as a symbol of Israel’s unfaithfulness?
Where did Elijah challenge the prophets of Baal to prove whose God was real?
Mount Carmel
In which event did God send fire from heaven to consume a soaked offering as a sign to the people of Israel?
Elijah’s challenge to the prophets of Baal – 1 Kings 18:36-39
What did Nahum say would happen to Ninevah?
he prophet Nahum foretold the destruction of Nineveh, saying that it would be completely wiped out by a flood of invaders and that its citizens would be overthrown (Nahum 1:8-10).
Which New Testament book quotes the Old Testament the most?
Matthew - this book contains over 60 references to the Old Testament
Who was the high priest that allowed Samuel to be raised in the temple but failed to discipline his wicked sons?
Eli - 1st Samuel 2:12-17
Which city did Paul write a letter to, even though he had never visited it at the time?
Rome – Book of Romans, written before Paul’s visit in Acts 28
What happened to Korah and his rebellious followers?
The earth opened up and swallowed them - Numbers 16:28-33
What prophecy did the prophet Ezekiel make about the valley of dry bones?
Ezekiel prophesied that the dry bones would come to life, representing the restoration of the Israelites from their spiritual death and return to the land of Israel (Ezekiel 37:1-14).
Which prophetic book is mostly written in Aramaic instead of Hebrew?
Daniel - parts of chapters 2-7 are in Aramaic
Which biblical character assassinated an overweight king and escaped by locking the doors behind him?
Ehud - Judges 3:15-26
Which location is referred to as "Zion" in a spiritual sense, but also as a physical place in the Old Testament?
Jerusalem – Psalm 87:2, Isaiah 2:3, Hebrews 12:22
While surrounded by a massive enemy army, a servant of Elisha came crying to him. Elisha then prayed for what?
Elisha prayed to God asking to open his servants eyes to see a heavenly army sent to protect them. - 2nd Kings 6:15-17
What does the prophecy of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 predict about the future?
It predicts a great battle where nations led by Gog will attack Israel, but God will intervene and defeat them, leading to Israel’s restoration (Ezekiel 38-39).