Name of the first born of Samuel
Who is Joel? (1 Samuel 8:2)
Place where Samuel's sons were judges
Where is Beersheba? 1 Samuel 8:2
Gideon uses a number of men to fight the midianites
What is 300?
The youth movement started out with boys
Who are Luther Warren and Harry Fenner?
The goat, ram and the horn represent in Daniel 8.
What is
The ram The kings of Medio-Persia
The goat Greece
The horn btwn eyes The 1st king of Greece
Name the last king that Daniel serves.
King Cyrus
The Region that Jesus healed the man that was deaf and had difficulty speaking.
Where is Decapolis?
The 2 witnesses of Revelation 11, how long were the in sackcloth.
What is 1260 day/year?
Missionary Volunteer was created for youth in which year.
What is 1907?
His heart was change from man to beast for 7 years.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
She had a child whose name was Issac.
Who is Sarah? Genesis 22:2
In what place did Tabitha died.
Where is Joppa?
Jesus turned a number of water pots into wine.
What is 6?
The name change from MV to AY took place when.
What is 1978?
How many years is Times, Time and dividing of time?
What is 2300 years?
Judah twin sons.
who are Pharez and Zarah?
Where Moses brought the Israelites after they went across the Red Sea.
Where is the Wilderness of Shur? Exodus 15:22
After Elisha was mocked about his baldness this number of youth got mauled by 2 female bears.
What is 42? 2nd Kings 2:24
The Pathfinder club came about in this year.
What is 1950?
Who stop Daniel from getting the interpretation.
Who is the Prince of the kingdom of Persia?
He is Deborah husband.
Who is Lapidoth? Judges 4:4
Tola was buried here
Where is Shamir? Judges 10:2
This number of princes that Gideon and his men captured from the Midianites
What is 2? Judges 7:25
The last 5 serving youth leader form Kitson Town church.
Who are Delecia Brown, Sherene Smith, Marcia Walton, Christopher Thomas & Althea Myers?
Describe the 4 beast of Daniel 7.
What are
1st like a Lion with eagle's wings
2nd Bear with 3 ribs between it's teeth
3rd Leopard with 4 wings of a fowl and 4 heads
4th Was dreadful, terrible and exceedingly strong with iron teeth?