What grade are you in
What is 6th Grade.
What is the Best Special
What is Gym
What is the worst food in the Cafateria
What is the taco's/quesadilla
What classes go out to recess in our grade.
What is all four classes.
The funniest teacher in school
Who was Mr. Roberts.
What is the last Grade in Ayer
What is 6th Grade
How Many specials are there
What is 7
The best snack in the cafatireia
What is the Ice Cream
Should our recess be at the end of the day like last year's 6th Grade
What is Yes.
Who is the most popular teacher in Ayer.
Whp is Mr. Farmer
How many grades are in Ayer
What is 7
Mr. Calder or Mr. Miller
Who is Mr. Calder
The school food is good or bad?
What is bad.
How long should recess be when it is 50+ degrees out
45 mins.
Who is the oldest teacher in the school.
Who was Mrs. Kirsten
What is the best grade in Ayer
What is 6th Grade
Mr. Lammers or Mr. Roberts
Who is Mr. Roberts
What time is 6th Grades lunch
When is 12:00 pm
What is the best sport at Recess.
What is Kickball.
Who is the weirdest teacher in the school.
Who is Mr. Lammers.
What is the easiest year in Ayer
(Only one correct Answer)
What is Kindergarten
Who is the nicest teacher
Who is Mrs. Snyder
What is the best food.
What is Larosa's Pizza
Football, Kickball, or Soccer
What is football.
Who is the best teacher in the school.
Who is Mrs. Mehring. Who is Mrs. Schulte.