what color are aylas eyes
blue and green
what is aylas most talked about movie
karate kid
what is one of aylas most said words, 2000s slang
what bones did ayla break in her life
wrist, ankle, toe, nose
what is aylas favorite LITTLE kid show
arthur and bill nye
how tall is ayla
5 7
what is one of aylas favorite bands?
pink floyd, big thief, the beatles
who does ayla want to marry
an australian man
what were aylas cats named as a kid
george and cleo
what is aylas favorite mid age show
my babysitters a vampire, twilight, and h2o
what is aylas grandpas name
salamander, dog, praying mantis
what are aylas favorite activities
hiking swimming partying being outside
when did we meet
april 2022
where did ayla live in young age
chicago, red river gorge and winchester
what is aylas address (bonus for both)
574 Nina Ridge Rd
509 Stonehaven Dr
ayla favoirte show
what trick does ayla desperately want to learn
how to backflip
when was ayla born
june 8, 2009
who was aylas childhood bestie
annabel datillo
what is aylas dads full legal name
aaron jay brouwer
ayla favorite comfort movies/shows
name three
harry potter, stranger things, twilight, the karate kid, community, little women
who does ayla share a birthday with
kanye west
what did ayla say at the dinner table the first time she met pete and ella
i love weiners
idma !