What season is associated with pitta dosha?
What season is associated with Kapha dosha?
What season is associated with vata dosha?
What is Ayurveda?
A natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago
What ways can you balance Kapha?
Cooling activities and foods
What ways can you balance Kapha?
Activities that move the body and are stimulating and have some vigor.
Foods that are warming, drying, and that stimulate digestion
What ways can you balance vata?
Eating grounding foods
Warm food and drinks
Restorative yoga or movement
Oil on the body and in your food
What does Ayurveda translate to?
The Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.
The pitta dosha combines the qualities of which elements?
Fire and water
The kapha dosha combines the qualities of which elements?
Water and Earth
The vata dosha combines the qualities of which elements?
Air and Space/Ether
What are some ayurvedic practices that may be recommended?
Tongue Scraping
Oil Pulling
Mindful eating
What is the common translation of Pitta?
“that which digests things.”
What is the common translation of Kapha?
That which binds things” or “that which holds things together.”
What is the common translation of "vata"?
“that which moves things.”
True or false everyone has all 3 doshas within them
True but though everyone has the qualities of all three constitutions to some degree, each person generally has a primary, most prominent dosha, a secondary dosha, and a third and least prominent dosha