Who was the Tlatoani?
The supreme ruler
What was the Calmécac?
The school for the sons of the nobles
Around 16 years.
Who performed sacrifices?
What were the chinampas?
An agriculture method where Aztecs could cultivate.
A piece of land where Aztecs could cultivate.
Who were the Pipiltin?
The royalty
It was the school for the normal people
Speared with a cactus.
Left bound and naked in a puddle.
Bound and held over a fire to inhale smoke.
What were houses in the Aztec empire made of?
Mud, bricks and reeds
What were the tamemes?
Kind of bags that pochtecas used to transport things
They were common people
It was the music school. They learnt the rituals and song for the Gods.
They were the main activities for women
Taking care of sick people
Spinning cotton
What did the nobles do?
They were landowners, judges and the head of government
Mention at least 2 things Aztecs manufactured
Feather ornaments
They worked as traders and, sometimes, as spies
What was taught in the Calmécac?
Religion (including rituals and songs), militar education and economic and government affairs.
Name the principal activities for men
Working the land
Where did they throw the bodies after sacrificing them?
Down the temple stairs to be taken apart.
Why did people practice sacrifices?
To calm the Gods in difficult times.
This rituals were known as "guerras floridas"
They were the slaves
What was taught in the Telpochcalli?
Military training and standard subjects such as art, crafts, and history among others.
What were the five major social classes?
The emperor, nobles, warriors, commoners and slaves.
What did male slaves wear?
Plain cloth that was wrapped around their body.
Name the principal pyramids Aztecs built (2)
Sun and Moon