"Round about the cauldron go; In the poison'd entrails throw; Toad, that under cold stone; Days and nights has thirty-one; Sweated venom sleeping got; Boil thou first in the charmed pot."
Pit Hag
"Each night, choose ______________________. There is a good player that _________________ to you."
"2 players: you learn if either is a Demon"
"registers as a Demon"
freak, deviation, monster
This is the first outsider listed on the Trouble Brewing script.
Name three recommended Trouble Brewing Travelers.
Scapegoat, Gunslinger, Beggar, Bureaucrat, Thief
"I remember the Clockmaker. The sky was red and it was raining fractal triangles. There was a smell of violets and a bubbling sound. A woman with glowing eyes and a scraggly beard was hissing at the sky. Then, I awoke."
"Once per game, ___________, privately _____________________ question."
"during the day"
"ask the Storyteller any yes/no"
lummox, dolt, oaf
This is the third outsider listed on the Sects and Violets script.
"I collect many things. Hair. Teeth. Clothes. Fragments of poems. The dreams of lost lovers. My secret arts are not for you to know but my fee is a mere pittance. Bring me the blood of a noblewoman who died of heartbreak under a full moon, and you shall have your answers."
Bone Collector
"'Tis an ill and deathly wind that blows tonight. Come, my brother, take shelter in the abbey while the storm rages. By my word, or by my life, you will be safe."
"Each night*, choose a player _____________________, learns who you are _____________________."
"(different to last night): the Demon, if chosen"
"then doesn't wake tonight"
administrator, director, representative
This is the number of Outsiders and Minions that through their own ability, can cause deaths on Bad Moon Rising.
This is the number of existing experimental Travelers.
"Each night*, choose a player: they die. You start by choosing a player: ____________________________."
"they are poisoned. You die if & only if they are dead"
virago, shrew, hag
These two minions contain one letter repeated four times.
"We shall entertain between the hours of 6 and 7 precisely. Tea at 6:15. Scones at 6:45. Do not be late. Formal wear applies, as always."
"Round and round the handles go. The more you dance the less you know."
Organ Grinder
"If there are ________ players alive & the Demon dies, you become ______________________"
"5 or more"
"the Demon. (Travelers don't count.)"
augury, vision, answer
This is the number of Demons that have more than one word in their name.
(Five counting Al-Hadikhia)
Most Fabled characters begin with this letter of the alphabet.