This Hebrew word means “separation.”
What is Havdalah?
This type of candle is used in Havdalah.
What is a braided/multi-wicked candle?
This drink is traditionally used for Havdalah.
What is wine (or grape juice)?
Havdalah marks the transition between these two times.
What are holy and ordinary (Kodesh and Chol)?
The first Jewish figure to light a fire according to Midrash.
Who is Adam? (According to Midrash, God gave Adam the idea to create fire at the end of the first Shabbat.)
We say Havdalah at the end of this special day.
What is Shabbat?
We look at this part of our body in the candlelight.
What are fingernails?
Spices are used to comfort this part of a person
What is the soul?
The Hebrew phrase that means "Who separates between holy and ordinary."
What is "Hamavdil bein kodesh lechol"?
In an emergency, Havdalah can be recited over this item instead of wine. not drink
What is bread?
This is the number of blessings in the Havdalah ceremony.
What is four?
This blessing is said over the fire.
What is "Borei Me'orei Ha’esh" (Blessed are You... who creates the lights of fire)?
Name two spices commonly used in Havdalah
What are cloves and cinnamon?
The holiday (besides Shabbat) when we also recite Havdalah.
What is Yom Kippur?
Which part of the Havdalah ceremony symbolizes our connection to all senses?
What is the spices (they involve the sense of smell, while wine is taste, candle is sight, and blessings are speech)?
The name of the book that contains the Havdalah blessings.
What is the Siddur?
The first creation in the Torah that connects to Havdalah.
What is light?
If wine is unavailable, another beverage can be used—name one.
What is beer, tea, or another local drink?
What do we do with the wine after reciting the blessings?
What is spill a little of the wine to symbolize overflowing blessings?
The connection between Havdalah and the first act of creation in Genesis.
What is God separating light from darkness?
What do we do with the candle at the end of Havdalah?
What is extinguish it in wine or another liquid?
In what Jewish text does Maimonides write about Havdalah?
What is the Mishneh Torah?
Why is wine significant in Jewish rituals like Havdalah?
What does represents joy and holiness?
The deeper meaning of looking at our fingernails in the candlelight.
What is to reflect on the transition from Shabbat to the week and symbolize personal growth?
The order of the four blessings in Havdalah.
What is wine, spices, fire, and separation?