People are hungry in Africa
Prompts: food donation, educational campaigns
Conmputers don't work as fast as we want
Prompts: viruses, bugs, mismanaged usage
Many people in eastern Europe emmigrate for work
prompts: raise salaries in home countries
What is the tense we use for regular actions?
Present simple
There are endangered species in the world, hunted for tusks, bones and other trophies
Prompt: Protect the animals with zoos
People are often late for work or school
Prompts: Set alarms, make people more conscientious
Life is chaotic, fast and unstable for many people
Prompts: Make day plans, teach how to become systematic
What is the tense we use for actions happening now?
Present continuous
People are lazy
Prompt: Offer compensation, apply punishments for misdemeanour
I have two expensive bank loans to pay every month
Prompt: Try to apply for one bigger loan to merge the two loans into one
Prompts: Encourage the change of work, change of habits, wear special glasses
What is the tense we use for live experiences?
Present perfect
Some children dislike eating meat
Prompt: make more "attractive" and colorful dishes.
People steal public property in public places, e.g: toilet paper, dish soap, paper towels or antibacterial gel.
Prompt: report to the police, surveliance cameras, watchmen
Today families have a tendency to be incomplete - many divorces, single parents, childhood trauma.
educational campaigns, learning or teaching about family values
Long actions in the past?
Past continuous
You can see somebody following you and shouting at you in the language you don't understand.
Prompt: Run, talk up, call police, start a fight
There is nothing here :)
Short actions in the past?
Past simple