Part 5A

Many people consider doing well at school is an important part of having a successful career. However, that wasn’t true in Steven Spielberg’s ........

a. fact

b. condition

c. case

d. position

C. case 


As a child, Steven showed (1)............. interest in his studies. But he was interested in film and began using his father’s movie camera to record family (2)........... By the age of 12, he’d made his first movie. 

1  a. few                          2. a. situations

   b. small                           b. events

   c. low                              c. actions

   d. little                            d. developments

1. d  little

2. b  events


Steven’s poor grades in high school (1) ..........him from entering the University of Southern California’s film programme. However, he was (2)......... at California State University but didn’t complete the course. Instead, he worked at the world-famous Universal Studios and soon became one of Hollywood’s best-known directors. 

1. a. refused                2. a. accepted

    b. avoided                   b. gained

    c. limited                     c. allowed

    d. prevented                d. entered

1. d. prevented 

2. a. accepted


Over 34 years after leaving college, Steven finally attended his university graduation ........ He’d decided to complete his studies because his children kept asking why they should go to college when he hadn’t. Steven says, ‘I thought I’d better get that degree and get it fast, so I did'. 

a. custom

b. ceremony

c. occasion

d. anniversary

b. ceremony


Taking part in games and sports teaches young people a lot of very useful skills, as well as helping them to (1) and healthy. Firstly, games which involve more than just a contest between two competitors teach people to (2) ............ respect for rules, because no game will work unless everyone plays according to them. 

1. a. keep                     2. a. get

    b. increase                   b. be

    c. grow                        c. have

    d. come                       d. give

1. a. keep

2. c. have


The other thing you discover is that you cannot (1)..............success by yourself in a team game. You have to (2) ............each other, otherwise you can never win. 

1. a. know                 2. a. share

    b. reach                    b. support

    c. bring                     c. work

    d. achieve                 d. participate

1. d. achieve

2. b. support


Team games also teach you that losing is not the end of the world. You will always have another opportunity and you may be more successful against your opponents next time. It is extremely (1) .......... to learn how to be a good loser because being able to (2) ............ defeat is an important lesson in life. 

1. a. fantastic            2. a. meet

    b. clear                      b. handle

    c. important               c. try

    d. challenging            d. lose

1. c. important

2. b. handle


What’s the most beautiful building you’ve ever visited? Many people ....... that the Taj Mahal, built in India in the 17th century, is one of the most magnificent buildings they’ve ever seen. 

a. advise

b. decide

c. suppose

d. agree

d. agree


For example, its walls are made of white marble, which almost seems to change colour depending on the (1).......of light shining on it. What’s more, in some of the gardens that (2)....... the building, there are wonderful fountains and pools of water.

1. a. amount                     2. a. support

   b. total                              b. consist

   c. sum                               c. involve

   d. whole                             d. surround

1. a. amount

2. d. surround


However, increasing (1)...........of pollution in the environment, from vehicles in the area, are becoming a serious (2)..... for the building, so people are no longer permitted to drive close to it. Visitors must either walk from the parking areas or catch a special bus. 

1. a. heights                        2. a. trouble

    b. types                              b. issue

    c. levels                              c. doubt

    d. loads                              d. event

1. c. levels

2. b. issue
