Bible Women
Bad Kings
Bible Colors
Bible Numbers

Betrayed her husband for 1,100 pieces of silver (if shekels, $2,422). Her name means possibly, Dangling. Her husband lied to her 3 times. 


1st lie:“If they tie me with seven fresh bowstrings"

2nd lie: “If they tie me up with new ropes that have not been used for work, I will grow as weak as an ordinary man.”

3rd lie: “If you weave the seven braids of my head with the warp thread.”


To satisfy the homesick longings of his Median queen, he built the Hanging Gardens, rated as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 

His Trophies of war included the sacred vessels of Jehovah’s temple, that were deposited in the temple of Marduk (Merodach).

NEBUCHADNEZZAR -Protect the Heir! 

extremely religious,


This color describes dyed materials in various forms, such as thread, string, cloth, and apparel.  A string was to be put above the fringed edges of every Israelite’s garment. A shade of this is Hyacinth and is one of the beautiful colors decorating the breastplates mentioned at Revelation.



Known also as the Festival of Tabernacles, or of Ingathering, or it is called “the festival of Jehovah”. Marked the end of the major part of the agricultural year for Israel.

FESTIVAL OF BOOTHS - The distinguishing mark of the Festival of Booths, the primary nature of it, was joyful thanksgiving. Jehovah’s desire was that his people should rejoice in him. “You must rejoice before Jehovah your God.” (Le 23:40)


This number at times represents imperfection. The number of “the wild beast”  and is called “a man’s number,” indicating that it has to do with imperfect, fallen man, and it seems to symbolize the imperfection of that which is represented by “the wild beast.”

Six - 


A woman who heard Paul’s defense at the Athenian Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) and became a believer. There is no valid basis for concluding that she was married to Dionysius, simply because the two are mentioned together.

DAMARIS - (Ac 17:33, 34) 


He was the founder and king of the first empire to come into existence after the Flood. He threatened to have his revenge on God if He wished to inundate the earth again; to avenge the destruction of their forefathers.

NIMROD - .“[Nimrod] little by little transformed the state of affairs into a tyranny, holding that the only way to detach men from the fear of God was by making them continuously dependent upon his own power.  The people were eager to follow this advice of [Nimrod], deeming it slavery to submit to God; so they set out to build the tower . . . and it rose with a speed beyond all expectation.”


Has reference to a reddish type of paint made from oxides of iron or of lead. It seems to have been first introduced by the Phoenicians, who imported it from natural deposits found in North Africa. At a later time similar deposits in the Middle East were developed.



The celebration lasted eight days. Commemorates the recovery of Jewish independence from Syro-Grecian domination and the rededication to Jehovah of the temple at Jerusalem, which had been desecrated by Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Two years later Judas Maccabaeus recaptured the city and the temple

FESTIVAL OF DEDICATION - to show his hatred and contempt for Jehovah, the God of the Jews, and to defile His temple to the utmost, Antiochus sacrificed swine on the altar and had the broth he had made from some of its flesh sprinkled all over the temple. The temple of Zerubbabel was rededicated to the pagan god Zeus of Olympus. After the temple was purged of defilement by Judas the rededication took place on Chislev 25, 165 B.C.E., exactly three years to the day after Antiochus


This number sometimes expresses universalness or squareness in symmetry and form. It is found three times at Revelation

Four - 


One of the five daughters of the Manassite Zelophehad. Her sisters names were Mahʹlah, Noah, Hogʹlah, Milʹcah. 

TIRZAH - Name meaning “take pleasure; approve”. —Nu 26:33


Last king of the northern kingdom of Israel. He had no hereditary claim to the throne, nor did he receive a special anointing from God to be king. The usurper of King Pekah through conspiracy and murder.  Shared his name with a prophet. 



Frequently found in the Scriptures, but seldom refers strictly to color. Rather, it brings to mind the freshness and vigor of growing vegetation, or it denotes a healthy and prosperous condition of things.



God’s command to Israel was that the beginning of the lunar months of the Jewish calendar, trumpets were to be blown over their burnt offerings and communion sacrifices. Special sacrifices were to be offered on these days besides the continual daily sacrifice.

FESTIVAL OF NEW MOON - While certain forms of work could be done on this day that could not be done on the Sabbath, it was viewed as a day for the consideration of spiritual matters. The observance of the day of the new moon did not involve worship of the moon, as was practiced by some pagan nations, nor did it have any connection with astrology. 


This number frequently appears in a legal setting.

Two -


Served as a shepherdess for her father. Her fretful impatience angered even her loving husband. She was substituted by her father. 

RACHEL - meaning Ewe; Female Sheep


Married to Ahinoam, mother of Jonathan. He waited seven days for a Prophet. Fearing that the enemy would sweep down upon him when he had not secured Jehovah’s help and that further delay would result in losing his army, Compelled himself’ to offer up the burnt sacrifice. 

SAUL - [Asked [of God]; Inquired [of God]


Mentioned in describing hair, horses, skin, and the sun. At Revelation represents famine. The Scriptures also mention “marble” and "paint.”



The festival receives its name from the command: “There should occur for you a complete rest, a memorial by the .......” Ethanim or Tishri was a month of festivals. This festival was celebrated on the first day. 

FESTIVAL OF TRUMPET BLAST - Since each new moon was normally announced with a trumpet blast, this day likely was one of additional or extensive trumpeting. Thus, a large part of the month of Ethanim was taken up by these festival seasons.


This number, when used figuratively, conveys uniqueness, as well as unity and agreement in purpose and action. Is illustrated in the marriage arrangement. There this number in purpose and activity between Jehovah and Jesus Christ. 

One - conveys the thought of singleness. Jehovah, He alone is Sovereign. He is unique. He does not share his glory with another, as is the case with pagan trinitarian gods. 


Daughter of the woman Matred and wife of Edomite King Hadar (Hadad).

MEHETABEL - probably, God Does Good —1Ch 1:50.


The king of Amalek. Spared by another king but was executed by Samuel, who told him: “Just as your sword has bereaved women of children, in that way your mother will be most bereaved of children among women.”



Is found only in a description of sheep.



Starting with the time of entering the Promised Land, the nation of Israel was to count six years during which time the land was sown, cultivated, and harvested; but the seventh year was to be a sabbath year, during which the land must lie fallow. In the seventh year no sowing or pruning could be done.

JUBILEE- Seven of these seven-year periods (7 × 7 = 49) were to be counted, and the following year, the 50th, was to be a Jubilee year. The Jubilee was in a sense an entire year of festival, a year of liberty. The keeping of it would demonstrate Israel’s faith in their God Jehovah and would be a time of thanksgiving and happiness in his provisions.


This number is used frequently in the Scriptures to signify completeness. 

Seven - 
