
How do different types of caffeinated beverages affect student productivity, alertness, and ability to pretend they're paying attention in 8am lectures?

Bad - mixes serious/joke metrics, too many variables, unclear measures

→ Good: "How does energy drink consumption affect attendance and participation rates in morning versus afternoon classes?"


What elements of UI design, user engagement metrics, and customer satisfaction scores determine the success of a product launch?

(BAD - too many unfocused variables, vague "success" metric) → Better version: "How do specific UI design changes affect user engagement rates in the first 30 days post-release?"


Does mindfulness meditation reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and improve overall well-being in all age groups?

(BAD - too many variables, assumes universal effect, overly broad population) → Better version: "How does a structured 8-week mindfulness program affect cortisol levels in young adults with diagnosed anxiety disorders?"


How does the frequency of posting 'healing era' captions on Instagram correlate with post-breakup recovery time and follower engagement rates?

(BAD - mixes social metrics with personal recovery, trendy but unmeasurable) → Better version: "How do different social media posting patterns reflect stages of relationship status changes?"


Why is Taylor Swift's dating history longer than her discography?

(BAD - judgmental, not research-focused, biased) → Better version: "How does media coverage of Taylor Swift's personal life compare to coverage of her musical achievements across different career phases?"


What combination of procrastination methods, last-minute studying, and cold brew coffee creates the most successful all-nighter experience?

Bad - subjective "successful", multiple unfocused variables

→ Good: "How do different study timing strategies affect exam performance in introductory courses?"


How does the implementation of mandatory code review processes affect deployment frequency and bug detection rates?

GOOD - specific process, clear metrics, measurable impact


How do different sleep onset latency measurements correlate with next-day cognitive performance in shift workers?

GOOD - specific metrics, defined population, clear relationship


How does the ratio of gym selfies to personality prompts in dating app profiles affect match rates and conversation longevity?

(GOOD - specific variables, measurable outcomes, clear relationship)


How does the timing of celebrity social media posts affect engagement rates and market performance of product launches?

GOOD - specific metrics, clear variables, measurable outcomes


How do factors like classroom temperature, distance from Starbucks, and presence of phone chargers influence students' choice of favorite lecture halls?

Bad - random unrelated variables, opinion-based "favorite", lack of focus

→ Good: "How does classroom proximity to campus amenities affect student early arrival rates?"


Do people hate CyberTrucks because they're bad cars or because everyone's tired of Elon Musk?

(BAD - opinion-based, biased, oversimplified) → Better version: "How do CEO social media activities correlate with consumer sentiment and sales metrics in the electric vehicle market?"


What role do genetics, environment, diet, lifestyle, and social factors play in determining mental health outcomes?

(BAD - too many variables, undefined "outcomes," lacks focus) → Better version: "How do specific genetic markers interact with environmental stressors to influence depression onset in adolescents?"


How does the implementation of zodiac sign compatibility filters on dating apps influence user matching behavior and chat initiation rates?

GOOD - specific feature, measurable outcomes, clear scope


Do the Kardashians actually make people want to buy stuff, or do people just like watching their drama?

(BAD - oversimplified, opinion-based, lacks focus) → Better version: "How do different types of Kardashian-promoted products perform in sales compared to similar non-celebrity endorsed items?"


How does the distance between classroom buildings and coffee shops influence attendance rates in 8am lectures?

GOOD - clear variables, measurable relationship, specific context


How does the adoption of microservices architecture influence system downtime and response times compared to monolithic systems?

GOOD - specific architectural comparison, clear technical metrics


How does the timing of cognitive behavioral therapy sessions affect treatment adherence and symptom reduction in patients with social anxiety?

GOOD - specific intervention, clear variables, measurable outcomes


How does living in co-ed versus single-gender dorms affect the development of platonic friendships during freshman year?

GOOD - specific comparison, clear variables, defined population


How does BTS's use of multilingual lyrics influence their streaming numbers in different global markets?

GOOD - specific aspect, measurable metrics, clear focus


How do different types of study playlists affect information retention and focus during three-hour exam preparation sessions?

GOOD - specific variables, measurable outcomes, clear scope


What makes certain engineering teams more productive than others when using the same tech stack and development processes?

(BAD - subjective "productive," assumes causation, too broad) → Better version: "How do different code review practices correlate with deployment success rates and time-to-resolution metrics?"


Why do some patients respond better to antidepressants while others show more improvement with therapy?

(BAD - asks "why," oversimplified comparison, lacks specificity) → Better version: "How do baseline neurotransmitter levels predict treatment response rates between SSRIs and CBT in major depressive disorder?"


What impact does having 'looking for the Jim to my Pam' in dating profiles have on match quality and relationship duration compared to other TV couple references?

(BAD - pop culture bias, subjective "quality," arbitrary comparison) → Better version: "How do different types of pop culture references in dating profiles affect match rates and initial conversation length?"


Is Beyoncé the greatest performer of all time because she never misses, or because she's just Queen B?

BAD - fan bias, opinion-based, lacks research merit

→ Better version: "How do Beyoncé's performance metrics (ticket sales, streaming numbers, critical reviews) compare across different career stages?"
