"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few", he said about the RAF in 1940
Winston Churchill
This continent covers about 30% of the world's land area & has about 60% of its people
Height times width
The admen at J. Walter Thompson came up with the slogan these 4 words. "The Marines"
"The Few. The Proud."
The USA's longest thermometer stretches 134 feet high, matching the record 134 degrees set in this California location
Death Valley
Continental currency
Completes the words in the King James Version of Matthew's gospel, "For many are called, but..."
few are chosen
This huge museum made up of 5 buildings, including the Czars' Winter Palace, became public property after 1917
The Hermitage
Pupu platters aplenty at this party
In a sci-fi film these 2 men (well, a man & a 1/2 man) combine to say "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"
Star Trek
Oklahoma's Winstar World this establishment has 500,000 square feet & 88 tables
Individual invisible emanation sensed by psychics
In Shakespeare this phrase follows "We few, we happy few, we..."
Band of Brothers
2024 is the target date to complete the Square Kilometer Array, which will be the world's largest of these
Radio Telescope
An orchestra player blows a 3-octave range on this