How do the animals always end their meetings?
By singing " Beast of England"
Th biggest disagreement between snowball and Napoleon involve...
The windmill
A black cockerel
How did Mr.Jones die
He died form alcoholism
This pig introduces the concept of rebellion to the animals at the beginning
Old Major
Who did Napoleon accuse of the destruction of the windmill
He said that snowball did it.
Mr ____ visited the farm as had been arranged. He was a sly looking little man with side whiskers , a solicitor in a very small way of business.
In chapter 9, squealer claims Snowball fought cowardly at an event in the past. However, Boxer holds a different attitude towards it. What is the event?
It is the "Battle of the Windmill".
What is the windmill used for at the end of the story ?
It was used for milling corn.
This man is the formar owner of Manor farm; he is a drunk and abusive to the animals
The principles of animalism are reduced to a single statement but when the birds object to the new maxim, it is established that a wing should therfore be regarded as a(n)_______
Which of the animal's never "lose heart "
Boxer and clover
In chapter 9 Moses is back. What do the pigs offer him?
Who teaches the sheep new songs?
This pig is the "leader"
After the battle of the cowshed certain animal's receive medals made from...
Rumors spread that all the following are occurring on Animal farm Except
Boxer is going to retire in the summer of the following year. What will be his age at that time?
What do the animals see into the farm house
The pigs and humans look the same
This animal is the stubborn doesn't care about the rebellion.
When asked whether he was not happier now that Jones was gone, the donkey would say "________"
Donkeys live a long time
Who often interrupts Snowball'S speeches by changing "Four legs good, two legs bad "
The sheep
What was the final commandment in chapter 10?
All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.
Thus character is the horse who is not very intelligent but works hard.