What were new England colonies formed by?
The Puritans
The middle colonists established to make what?
What did the southern colonies established themselves with?
Rich soil for growing crops.
The growing of what helped to make Jamestown colony make Money and become very profitable.
A what works for an individual for a limited amount of time?
Indentured servants.
What are some Economic advantages?
Whaling,fishing,and shipbuilding.
Why was the colonies formed?
For religious freedom.
What will a longer season will allowed them to go where?
Cash crops.
What route includes Jamestown colony make money and become very profitable?
Triangle trade.
How many years does an Indentured survent has to work?
3 to 7 years.
What farming did they use?
Subsistence farming.
What did the middle colonies own?
They own their own land.
They had a lot of diseases do to the blank summers and blank winters.
Hot/Humid and cool/mild.
An agreement made on the what between the pilgrims who would settle in cape cod.
The mayflower compact.
What was brought over from various parts of Africa?
Farming was difficult because the land was what?
The land was rocky.
How many religious groups came to this area as well? Can you name a few?
Lutherans,catholic,protestants,Presbyterians,Jewish people,Anglicans,Mennonites,and Amish.
What was located on the outer banks that we now call what?
Roanoke and North Carolina.
What is being pushed away from one place to another?
Push pull factors.
The agreement helped to established the what?
What did the middle colonies grow?
Rye,corn,barley,wheat,and others.
Natives or dispersing and maybe what?
Assimilated with the natives people.
What were pushed out of England because of their beliefs in god?
The puritans.
The expectations to follow the rules and the law set by who?
The People.