Skill name: Hidden Moonlight
What magic item gives you the most magic power?
Holy Crystal
What is the minimum requirement to unlock ranked?
Account level 8 and own 5 heroes
What does the turtle provide after slaying it?
True or False: Booster2000X has 1000+ranked matches with Dyrroth.
Quote: A real man never hides in a bush.
What only item gives the hero damage reduction? (NOT ADDITIONAL DEFENSE)
Queen's Wings
How many total ranks are in Mobile Legends
True or False: All towers within the first 5 mins has a gold shield.
What Exp laner Booster can NOT play good?
Quote: The strongest ninja has arrived!
How many battle spells are there? (COUNTING RETRIBUTION)
Which two heroes has a Mythic skin?
Faramis and Clint
What 3 main events happen upon the game reaching 18 mins?
Lord evolved, Death timer greatly increased and huge movement speed boost from the base
How many Yu Zhong stacks is required on an enemy to trigger his passive skill?
5 stacks
Skill name: Infernal Pursuit
How long does Petrify stun an enemy for?
Which rank introduced the draft system?
Which jungle creep only has 10 points of health?
Lithowanderer/Stone Roamer
Who was Booster's two first mains in Mobile Legends?
Bruno and Gusion
Skill name: Dawning Light
How many attack items give lifesteal?
4. Rose Gold Meteor, Endless Battle, Haas' Claws and Demon Hunter Sword
In mythic+ matches what additional passive is provided for the outer towers in each lane when the gold shield is on?
Damage reduction within tower radius
How many total jungle creeps are in the map? (PURPLE BUFF COUNTS AS 1 AND LORD/TURTLE COUNTS AS 1)
What is the damage calculation for Dyrroth's Passive heal from an enemy?
(20 + 8% of max HP)