SMITH System
Useful Knowledge

Avoiding these two types of stares fixed and blank are components of this SMITH system key?

What is Keep Your Eyes Moving?


The three major items to check under the hood.

What are washer fluid, signs of leaks and fluid levels.


The most common injuries we as a company combat.

What are slips, trips and falls?


Following JB Hunt guide lines below this number and the tire must be changed.

What is 80psi?


This five letter check list, WLAFT, should be performed by all drivers and in this order.

What is Wheels, Landing Gear, Airlines, Fifth Wheel and Tail Lights.


15 seconds of eye lead time is the discipline we requests our drivers to adhere to in hopes to gain a minimum of 4 seconds of following distance, is a part of which key?  

What is Get the Big Picture?


A driver can drive legally down the road with out these, as long as he has a trailer hooked to him.

What are mudflaps. 


True or False-- running in the rain in steel toes is acceptable, as long as the driver runs flat footed.

What is false?   No one is ever encouraged to run in wet conditions.


Following this JB Hunt guidelines above this number and the tire is unsafe and must be changed.

What is 130psi?


The acronym SMOG is used when changing lane. what does SMOG stand for

What is Signal, Mirror, Over the Shoulder, and Go


Lights, horns and flashers are all methods to make sure they see you, but we should always do this. 

What is, we should always seek eye contact. 


Not one of these can be out of working order, even if it is an extra one that the driver added themselves.  

What are lights?


When ice is present we are encouraged to walk like a penguin, so we are to follow these acts. 

What is take short strides, keep our arms and body in the upright position and avoid carrying items to keep our hands free.


Following JB Hunt guidelines the minimum tread depth for steer tires is? 

What is 3/16"  of 6/32"?


Daily Double 

Sliding the fifth and tandems helps to distribute the weight, but be careful the max weight on steer tires can only be? 


Space and visibility give you this?

What is time to make good decisions.


Insuring this item is registering in the green and strapped down can prevent a bomb going off in the cab during an accident.  

What is the fire bottle?


When getting into the truck, maintaining this, makes sure we don't miss a step.

What are threes points of contact?


Following JB Hunt guidelines the minimum tread depth for the drive tires and trailer tires is?  

What is 1/8" or 4/32"


Found on the exterior of the trailer any tear, scuff, scratch or rip in this and it must be replaced.

What is the reflective tape?


The two acts to clear an intersection before proceeding consist of this. 

What are wait 3 seconds after the light turns green and check left, right and then left again before proceeding. 


Hooking, tugging and allowing the airbags to raise does not necessarily mean these are closed and clear, always check these before departing. 

What is that the fifth wheel jaw is closed and the landing gear is up. 


Keeping two hands on this and backing slowly will ensure securement and protection at all times.

What is the trailer door? 


Following JB Hunt guidelines the aloud depth of a cut in the tire or a side wall cut is?

What is once any form of cord is showing the tires must be swapped?


Spare changer will not keep you from having a DOT violation, but spare of these will.

What are spare fuses?
