... is the values, behaviors, practices, assumptions we've learned from our membership in groups that share them.
Keeping eye contact means ...
active listening,
sincerity, and honesty.
The definition of a ... is any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of individual.
... is a prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake.
A taboo
Body language is ...
non-verbal communication
US-Americans see
a prolonged stare
as a sign of ...
... is our relative social position within a group.
... is the part our society expects us to play in a given status.
A role
Which one is more effective: verbal or non-verbal symbols?
If we raise our eyebrow what we mean?
Continue the proverb: "When in Roman ...
...do as the Romans do."
... is an act, behavior, or a belief system that is handed down from one generation to another in a society or culture and which has a special significance for the members of the society.
A tradition
... statuses are ones that are acquired by doing something.
... statuses are the result of being born into a particular family or being born male or female.
"Italian or French people are the best lovers." can be a good example for ...
The word "..." can refer to a lasting group of feelings, beliefs and behaviour tendencies directed towards specific people, groups, ideas or objects.
... are observed almost religiously because, in most cases, they have a religious backing and, therefore, considered important for individuals in the society.
Iconology ...
deals with the meaning of symbols in images.
"Never eat while standing while in Indonesia" can be a good example for ...
What type of status is being a teacher?
Achieved status
... is the ability to look outside of ourselves and be aware of the cultural values, and customs of the culture we are in. What may be normal and acceptable to us, may be unusual or unacceptable in another culture.
Cultural awareness
... is a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. Images are studied through iconology, technique, art history, ideology, etc.
Extra points
Brahman, Kshatriya and others are statuses in ... .
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