What warning did Jesus give the apostles about their knowledge that He was the Messiah?
That they should not tell anyone
Who met Jesus when He and His disciples came down from the mountain after the transfiguration?
A large crowd
When James and John asked if Jesus wanted the Samaritan village destroyed what did Jesus respond?
He rebuked them
Where does one put a lamp so that those who come in can see the light?
bright as a flash of lightning
What does Jesus say will happen to those who want to save their life?
They will lose it
What did Jesus do for the demon possessed boy?
When Jesus asked a man to follow Him, what did the man say he wanted to do before he would follow Jesus?
Bury his father
Who did Peter say they would put up shelters for?
Jesus; Moses; Elijah
Eight days after Jesus predicts His death, where did Jesus go to pray?
A mountain
What argument started among the disciples?
Who would be the greatest
Finish the verse: "Jesus replied, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back ______."
is fit for service in the kingdom of God
What animal did Jesus send the demons into?
How many times did Jesus predict his death in Luke 9?
On the mountain, what did Jesus and the two men that appeared with him talk about?
Jesus' departure
What was John's concern regarding someone driving out demons?
The person was not one of the disciples
How many men were in each group when Jesus fed the five thousand?
What kind of village did Jesus send messengers to?
What did the voice from the cloud say?
"This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him"
What did Jesus resolutely set out to do as the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven?
Go to Jerusalem
noble and a good heart
How many loaves of bread and how many fish did the disciples have?
five loaves and two fish
Where does the Son of Man lay his head?
no place