What club does Jas play for currently?
Vancouver Rise FC
What percentage of people's clothes don't get worn?
Name an easy way to use less plastic everyday?
Reusable water bottle
Who is responsible for making sure there are enough resources for future generations?
What are most clothes made of?
How are clothes purchased?
Online or in-person
What is the name of Jas's sustainable lifestyle brand?
What is the population of Earth?
8 billion
How much water does it take to make one t-shirt?
Enough water for one person to drink for 2.5 years
How long have people been on the planet according to the video you all watched?
3 seconds
When is your fashion show?
Last day of the program
How old is Planet Earth?
4.5 Billion years old
What percent of clothes end up in landfills?
T/F: Manufacturing of Clothes only impacts the places they are made?
Where did Jas go to college?
Name 4 examples of resources
Food, Water, Plants, Minerals
What are some of the top places are clothes are made?
China, Bangladesh, and Vietnam