Separated the water and created trees and flowers
Who was the Rebbes wife ?
Rebbitzin Chaya Mushka
How many names did Yitro have?
Why is there a big Ches in Possuk Alef?
To represent the 8 pieces of clothes the Kohen Gadol used to wear
Which animal cause Adam and Chava to eat from the tree?
What nation did Haman come from?
Why did Moshe give Eliezer and Gershom their names
Gershom cause he was a stranger in a strange land
Eliezer: cause Hashem saved him from the hand of Pharoh
Which teacher in the school has the same name as Queen Esther?
Mrs Esther Stern
What is the sign that Hashem will never make another flood again?
Who were Noachs sons?
1. Shem
2. Cham
3. Yefet
Has Bnei Yisroel received the Torah?
True and False
Is Hashems name mentioned in the megillah?
No put He was there pulling the strings
What is שבת מברכים
The shabbos before Rosh Chodesh
Why did Moshe send Tzipporah and his sons back ?
Not to add to the suffering
Did Esther want to go to Achasvarus happily?
No she didnt
There are 5 megillahs. Name 3
1. Esther
2. Rus
3. Eicha
Who was Yehoshuas father?
Whats the מדה כנגד מדה in Rashi Yud Alef?
That the Mitzyarim tried drowning the Jews but they themselves drowned in the Yum Suf
Why did Vasti die on shabbos?
cause she made her jewish maidservants work in shabbos