Whats the meaning of Issac's name?
What does Jacob mean?
heel grabber
How many wives did Jacob have?
Why did Joseph's brother sell him into slavery?
because they were jealous of their fathers favoritism to him
Who was Issac's brother?
Whats the meaning of Esau?
red and hairy
What were the Jacobs wives names?
Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, Bilhah
Who was Joseph sold to?
Who did Issac marry
Who was born first?
How long did Jacob work for Rachel's hand in marriage?
14 years
Who's dreams did Jacob interpret?
How old was Abraham when Issac was born?
100 years old
Who was Issac's favorite child
How did Jacob end up marrying Leah?
Laban tricked him into giving him his oldest daughter
What was Joseph sold for?
20 pieces of silver
How old was Issac when his kids were born
60 years old
Why was Jacob born holding on to Esau's heel?
Because of the way they were positioned in the womb
Who else slept with Bilhah?
Jacobs son Reuben
Who was Joseph sold to first?