The best place to be in the summer, except the walk back sucks
The beach
What boat did we go on as a field trip in the first grade?
The beast
My favorite colors, there are 4 name at least 2
Pink, navy, baby blue, mahogany
What is the one boy baby name I have?
I have had my ears pierced how many times?
My resting spot
My bed
Who was my first crush? There are two answers
Liam or Sunny
My favorite animal is an…
What did I have to save from my car?
My water bottle
How long have I played baseball?
7 years (soon to be 8)
The area where my first six years of education happened
Roosevelt Island
What grade did we have assigned seats at lunch for almost the entire year because the boys were catapulting peas across the lunch room with their plastic spoons?
What is my favorite time of day?
What new addition to my room did I get?
A mirror
How did I break my ankle?
I was at gymnastics camp and I was walking on an uneven mat and my ankle went crack
We go here almost every year; it’s a specific place
Name a song we had to sing for one of our concert?
I’ll just tell you if we did
What are my favorite pictures of us? I have 5
It wouldn’t let me upload them without paying 20$…
1. The picture of us dressed as boys flexing our muscles
2. The one of us at Molly’s bat mizvah that my mom took and we were wearing our sunglasses
3. The picture at five nap burger where we’re pushing each other and laughing in the bathroom mirror
4. The picture of us on our two night sleep over in the grocery store where Sadie is in the shopping cart
5. The one before we had a water balloon fight and we put on black eyeshadow as eye black
Where did I go to dinner on my 14th birthday?
Sac’s Place
How many times have I been to the emergency room?
What is my mall called?
The Palisades Mall
What was the name of the substitute teacher I had in 5th grade that (almost) wouldn’t let me go to the nurse while I was having an asthma attack? And what was our nickname for her?
Ms. V. Her nickname was the Evil Music Teacher because V=violin and violin is a part of music and she was evil
What is my favorite bridge?
New Tappan Zee Bridge
What mountain did we ski at?
I had two fish when I was young. My favorite died first so I renamed Fred to what her name was