Classroom days, time, and location
Tuesday/Thursday, [8-9:15 OR 9:30-10:45], Public Affairs Building 1329
What is Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
EBP is a process for making practice decisions in which practitioners integrate the best research evidence available with their professional expertise and with client attributes, values, preferences and circumstances
What decade were deinstitutionalization initiatives implemented
List the FIVE stages of change
1. Pre-contemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation
4. Action
5. Maintenance
Who created SFT
Insoo Kim Berg
Steve de Shazer
Number of class assignments
Besides Google Scholar, what is one research resource that we discussed during class
•Campbell Collaboration
•Cochrane Collaboration
•Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP)
What theory/theories inform CM
It is theoretically open. In social work, we usually use:
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Strengths Perspective
synonymous with "motivational interviewing"
Change Talk
Why are compliments used in SFT
allows for scaffolding
Professor Perrigo's office hours
Tuesdays 11-12PM by Appointment
Dr. Perrigo developed a mental health program for a Latino community. Her team offered a sobador, curandero, and energy healer. But what did the clients want?
Yoga and Zumba
Name the THREE screenings we practiced in class
FOUR primary MI techniques
1. Express empathy; 2. Support self-efficacy; 3. Roll with resistance; 4. Develop discrepancy
List at least TWO out of the five SFT assumptions
1.Solution-building NOT problem-solving
2. Clients have the resources/strengths to resolve their problems
3. Uncovering NOT processing
4. Future NOT past oriented
5. Change is constant
List TWO of our Community Offerings
1. No recordings
2.Brave, safe, honest, and uncomfortable space.
3.Please be respectful and share YOUR stories
4. Take advantage of class resources
5. Have FUN! [cat pictures & food]
6. Humility: We are current, not correct
7. Grace: Honor both intention and impact
How is an organization considered in the critical approach
=the kind of intervention you can provide
=the duration of services
List THREE advantages of the task-centered approach
•Highly focused periods
•Short term: Up to 8 sessions
•Clearly defined, explicit goals
*Client directed
What is the acronym to LISTEN for change talk and the acronym to ELICIT change talk?
Change this question using SFT [Orient towards 1. Solution(s) and 2. Present/Future]
"Are you doing OK?"
What’s been going well in your day so far?
A clinical intervention to address Power and Privilege in Social Work
Besides using the critical approach to create our client's treatment experience, what additional considerations did Dr. Perrigo highlight (list at least two)
2.Natural Consequences
3.Harm Reduction
4.Being a therapist is a communal activity
5. Meet the Client where they are at
Describe the FOUR components of the Task-Centered Model
Targeted problem
General Tasks
Specific Tasks
How do you structure an MI session
4. Planning
List the FIVE questions used in SFT
1.Problem Identification
5. Scaling