How long I’ve played soccer for
What is 10 years
Favourite school subject
What is math
2 of my past “obsession animals”.
What are sloths, koalas, owls, dogs, and/or capybaras.
The name of one of my parent
What is Tammy or Marvin
My favourite colour! (Specific shade)
What is lavender
I played for this club for 9 years
What is Port Moody (soccer club)
The class I got the best grade in
What is Science
An animal with cube shaped poo
What is a wombat
The number of people and pets in my family.
What is 11
Look at this series: 22, 21, 23, 22, 24, 23, … What number should come next?
What is 25
My old soccer number
What is 26
The grade I skipped in math
What is grade 8
Largest animal currently on Earth
What is a blue whale
What is my moms former last name (My middle name)
What is Kim
The number of letters in my full name
What is 15
My soccer position
What is full back
Class I got awarded “Top student” in
What is Foods
What was my first ever obsession animal?
What is an owl
What is the sum of my siblings ages
What is 24
The number of hours I’ve been alive (On March 7, 2025) 16 years
What is 140,160 hours
The last time I scored a goal
What is 10 months ago (April 21, 2024)
The distance between here and Heritage Woods (in km to one decimal place)
What is 1.7 km
What breed is Rocco (specifically)
What is a mini Australian labradoodle.
How many cousins do I have
What is 1
What is 75