General UI
Contract Procedure
Customer Service

Where can you access the claimant log to leave notes?

Session B > UBWR > Shift F11


If a claimant doesn't have a PUA app in KW and is unable to complete PUA app via the IVR - what should you do

Use letter generator to assist them in completing the PUA application manually


What 4 Things should you verify on every claim - regardless of the reason they are calling?

MMN, First / Last Name, DOB & Mother's Maiden Name


What are things that are considered "Zero Tolerance"?

Transferring a claimant with no notification (aka Blind Transfer), call avoidance, making no honest attempt to assist the claimant while on the call.


What is the maximum amount of time you can have a claimant on hold for at one time

Three Minutes


What is SIDI used for?

To check if a claimant has wages in another state or an open claim in another state.


What is the minimum rate for PUA benefits



For claims filed on 12/28/20 or later what is the furthest back we can push their effective date (regardless of last day of work)



When should you send your tally sheet for 406 certs to your manager?

Daily, after calls have ended


What is a proper greeting when answering the phone?

Thank you for calling New York State Department of Labor, this is _____, how can I help you today?


In Session B > UBWR > Shift F4 - what will I be able to view

The status of disqualifications, liquidations and what their payment 'balance' is on their claim

Do PUA certifications go on your tally sheet?

No  - PUA certs will go to a PUA cert rep automatically, no further action is needed after taking certs for their payments

UBER / LYFT / Doordash (and others) are considered what type of employers

Gig - Employers


What time are you able to start logging in each morning?

7:50 am - Directors have advised not to even 'touch' your computer until then


Is it ever ok to interrupt or be 'short' with a claimant?

No. You can be firm or direct if needed, but please ensure you're 'saying it with a smile'

In session C, pressing f5 will allow you to view what?
any controls that are on the claim

If a PUA claimant does not have any info showing for wages in KW, what should we advise them of?

They will need to send in proof of wages via their acct, fax or by mail


If a claimant has rejected payments on their payment ledger, should you transfer the call to a spec?

No, you'll fill out the survey gizmo for rejected payments

If you're having system issues in the morning - when should you notify your manager?

Prior to your scheduled start time - "paper trail to cover your tail"


If the claimant 'voice' does not match their gender / name on the account - is that a reason for fraud?

No, not at all, we don't use perceived gender to influence how we treat the claimant or how we handle the claim.

Which session should you use to view if there are any held certifications?

Session A > BCIQ > opt 6  to view if there are any held certs on the claim


If a claimant has wages in another state but was only self employed in NYS, does that mean it is a PUA claim?

No, they will need to file a claim in the state where they have regular wages.


If a claimant threatens self harm, harm to others or a threat against DOL employees / offices, what should you do?

Immediately notify a member of management in order to fill out a threat report. PAUSE after that call in order to provide management any other needed info for the threat

How long are lunches?

31 - 36 minutes 


If a claimant calls in and wants a third party to handle the call on their behalf - is this ok?

Yes, however we MUST have the claimant on the call the entire time, we cannot only speak to the third party without the claimant 'present'
