Job Evaluation
LinkedIn and Networking
FUN Points

What does STAR stand for?

Situation, Task, Action, and Results


Where can you find the average salaries for co-op and full-time positions for Lindner students?

The Lindner Career Services Center site (or Canvas slides!)


Identify three companies that you are following on LinkedIn.



What does SMART stand for?







In the C-Suite, the CEO is the Chief Executive Office, the COO is the Chief Operating Officer, and the CFO is the Chief ______ Officer.



Why is using the STAR Method so important?

STAR method gives insight into HOW you have used your skills, the ACTIONS that you took and the RESULTS or the impact that you made

These are behavioral/situational questions!


What is the average Co-op pay for majors at UC?



Why did you choose to follow these companies? Reflect on what you learned about each company from following them on LinkedIn.


i.e. A friend co-oped at Medpace last semester and enjoyed her experience because she had a great mentor and was assigned meaningful projects, so I started following them on LinkedIn.  I since have learned that they are one of the fastest growing companies in Cincinnati and are expanding their internship program. 


Which one is a SMART Goal?

A - By the end of the summer, I plan to participate in at least one professional development event, focused on creating an inclusive environment at my workplace.

B - I will continually pursue opportunities for professional growth by attending various conferences, webinars, and training sessions throughout my career

C - Within the next year, I will actively engage in a multitude of learning experiences, including workshops, seminars, and networking events, with the ultimate aim of achieving expert status in my field.

A - By the end of the summer, I plan to participate in at least one professional development event, focused on creating an inclusive environment at my workplace.


Who were our guest employer speakers and what company are they from? 

Kelsey and Sami

AMEND Consulting


What should action statements begin with? What tense should verbs be in for each situation?

Start with an action verb

Present tense if currently doing, past tense if no longer doing


What is the average starting salary for majors at UC?



How would this new knowledge of the company impact your future networking or questions for the company


i.e. I saw on LinkedIn that they recently received a corporate award for sustainability practices – social responsibility is very important to me and obviously we share this value.  I will mention this recent award in my questions for them when I interview – “I noticed that you recently won this environmental award.  Protecting the environment is important to me too.  Can you tell me more about what you do at Medpace to create an environment of sustainability? 


Give an example of a Learning Goal, a Performance Goal, and a Personal Goal.

Learning goal: Listen to at least 4 sales calls per week with senior team members.

Performance goal: Score at least 95% on the training manual examination on week 3.

Personal goal: Have coffee or participate in a video call with each team member before the end of the first month.


Who was on our Student Panel? Name at least 3! (First name is sufficient)

Will Kegg

Tahta Fofana

Sophie Schnell

Ejiro (EJ) Agoba

Sarah Schaefer


What are some key indicators of STAR Method questions? (The beginning of the interview question)

Behavioral/Situational Questions

▪ Tell me about a time when..
▪ What do you do when..
▪ Have you ever..
▪ Give me an example of..
▪ Describe a situation..


List 3 resources you should use for research on company salaries. - Industry Average Salary!!

 Bureau of Labor Statistics

 Your Career Coach or Peers/Networking


How do you find fellow Lindner alumni on LinkedIn? (What is the name of the page/group)

University of Cincinnati Carl H. Lindner College of Business Alumni & Friends


"Break it into smaller steps" is a key part of SMART Goal - List the correct order. 

▪What will you do to overcome these obstacles?

▪What obstacles might get in the way? 

▪How will you know you have achieved this goal?

▪What resources, places, and/or people can help you in achieving this goal?

1. What resources, places, and/or people can help you in achieving this goal? 

2. What obstacles might get in the way? 

3. What will you do to overcome these obstacles? 

4. How will you know you have achieved this goal?


Dean Marianne Lewis got her PhD from what school and in what? 

The University of Kentucky and Management 

Connect with her on LinkedIn!


Identify a new experience that needs to be added to your resume from this semester (co-op, academic project, job, activity, etc.) and write at least two action statements for that activity.

Be sure to include at least 2 action statements from this experience.

Start each with an action verb and include the impact if possible. 

Focus on transferrable skills, not tasks.


In Canvas, review the Job Offers photo. What offer would you select? Explain your reasoning, reflecting on what elements are important to you in selecting an offer.


Reflect on what aspects of the job are most important to you and why. 

You may be asked to consider a real job/company!

Research average salary information at UC.

Find industry average salary on Glassdoor, Indeed, etc.


Go to LinkedIn and identify 3 people in your industry that you could connect with. Include their company and role. Share how you plan to connect with them and why you would be interested in connecting with them!

Include URLs!

Explain how you are connecting and why

i.e. This person is a recruiter for XYZ Company and specializes in hiring for Finance positions, which is my major. I have always wanted to work for XYZ company and would like to see when positions are posted. I am sending them a LinkedIn connection request with a note reminding them that we met at a tabling event.


Write down 2 co-op related goals. If you currently have a co-op lined up, talk about that and if not, what steps will you take?



  • SMART GOAL: By the end of the summer, I plan to participate in at least one professional development event, focused on creating an inclusive environment at my workplace.

Break it down:

  • I will ask my mentor where I can find a schedule of these opportunities. 

  • Obstacle: Time might be an issue– I assume I will be busy with my co-op!

  • To overcome this obstacle, I will block time and schedule it on my calendar.

  • I will know I achieved this when I complete and reflect on the event. 


What was your favorite class of Spring Semester 2024?

BA 2080 with Kirsten! 
