In 2021 ____% of Americans owned smartphones
Soccer the worlds most popular sport-known as ____ - originated as a folk custom in England
What is the leading global music streaming service
What country is the origin of most cyberattacks
United States
True or false
Popular culture often originates in developed countries
The 3 most popular social media platforms globally are facebook, instagram, and _____
The word soccer originated after 1863 from which of the following
The football association abbreviation of association
What is the primary way folk songs are transmitted
What is fake news
False reports spread under authenticity
What is a tabo
A restriction on behavior imposed by religious law or social custom
About 2/3 of the worlds social media users are on ____
Which country was the first to license pro esports players
What events do folk songs originate from
Daily life events
What cause belief in fake news
News shared by trusted friends
What kind of McDonald’s franchises globally illustrates the diffusion of what culture
In Africa thousands of individuals can obtain cell phone service from a single tower or ___
Which sport is primarily popular in the UK and former British colonies
What was the purpose of folk songs in Vietnam
Convey information about agriculture
Most common for of malware is ____
What influences the distribution of folk culture
Local physical and cultural practices
Cell phones do not require the costly investment of connecting ____ to each individuals building
What factor contributed to the global spread of soccer in the 20th century
Radio and tv
According to Chinese legend when was music invented
2697 bce
What does cyber espionage target most often
Government agencies
In what culture are cows valued for their role in agriculture