In Idaho Code, Title 7 Special Proceedings, Chapter 11 Proceedings to Establish Paternity, a conclusive determination of paternity includes signing a paternity acknowledgment and this other.
Under 45 CFR 305.2 Performance Measures, there are 5 performance measures reported on each fiscal year. They are: Paternity Establishment, Support Order Establishment, Current Support Collected, Arrears Support Collected and this...
Cost Effectiveness.
What team acronym monitors interstate cases?
Who is CIT (Case Integrity Team)
When an NCP is a minor, CSS takes extra steps when establishing an order. This includes setting support at a $50 minimum until the minor father emancipates, serving the NCPs parent the legal documents, and will not allow the litigation to take this action in any paternity case.
What is a defaulted order.
How many calendar days does an NCP have to submit a request for a license hearing to prevent suspension?
What is 21 days.
In Idaho Code 7-1206, a lien against real and personal property can be filed with the Secretary of State. The Department must notify the obligor via certified mail and allow a certain time frame. How many days before the lien can be enforced after giving notice to the obligor?
What is 10 days
Under 45 CFR 303.11 Case Closure. A IV-D agency may elect to close it case when there is no longer a current support order and arrearages are under this amount.
When a modification is requested, legal action complete and findings sent to the customer, how long does the customer's have until the status automatically returns to 'No Legal Actions'
What is 90 days
In what year did the BDRA fee increase from $25 to $35?
What is 2019
In what year were the Idaho Child Support Guidelines most recently amended?
What is 2022.
Under Idaho Code 7-1403, a license can be suspended for three reasons. We know delinquent child support is one, what are the other two? (1/2 points will be given for one answer)
What is failing to comply with a Subpoena in a Paternity or Child Support Proceeding and failing to comply with a visitation order.
Under 45 CFR 303.7, Provisions of services in intergovernmental IV-D cases, which agency, IN or RE, is entitled to impose the $35 BDRA fee?
Who is the initiating state.
When customers disagree on custody/visitation days, and there is not an order outlining them, what does LAT use to determine the days?
What is the customer dispute tool.
Signed by the President on August 30, 2016, and implemented on January 1, 2017 was this global child support treaty.
What is the Hague Convention.
In Idaho, how many child support offices are there, excluding the business office?
Idaho Code 56-203A authorizes the Department of Health and Welfare to establish, enforce and modify child support orders. What are the two ways our services can be applied for?
What are benefits/IBIS referral and application.
What is 20 days.
Name one scenario where it is appropriate for the legal action specialist to unassign themselves from their customers? (There are 4)
A legal action is dismissed, cancelled or expired
A modification for legal action denied
The customer was assigned in error
The order is finalized
Idaho CSS will not enforce this type of support order when there is not a concurrent child support amount accruing or owed.
What is a spousal support order.
Excluding the DAG, how many contract attorneys does child support currently have?
What is 14
What is October 1, 1998
According to 45 CFR 302.32 Collection and disbursement of support payments, how many days must the distribute payments from the family?
What is 2 business days
The NCP is requesting a modification. The order is entered in Utah. CP is residing in California. NCP is residing in Oregon. Idaho is enforcing. Who would have CEJ to modify?
What is California
For orders entered prior to July 1, 2015, the statute of limitations expires when the youngest child of the order reaches the age of 23. The business office sends letters to the custodial parent how many months in advance notifying them of their option to renew their balances?
What is 4 months.
Within 500, how many open and enforced cases (non RSO) does Idaho child support current have?
What is 81,544