What adaptations help a mountain lion acquire energy?
Fangs, speed, claws etc
What type of strategist reaches sexual maturity fastest?
r selected
Lake A has 5 cattails, 6 lily pads, 4 bullfrogs, 12 bass, 8 coy, 13 caddisfly larvae, and 10 minnows.
Lake B has 25 cattails, 2 lily pads, 1 bullfrog, 3 bass, 25 minnows
Which is healthier and why?
Lake A has a higher species richness
A species of termite experience microevolution to increase tolerance to pesticides, would be an example of what species interaction? Ofter thought of as predator prey relationship.
Scenic overlooks for tourists in the Shenandoah National Park are examples of what type of ecosystem service?
How can urbanization of a rural area impact fertility? Explain.
Lower birth rates (access to more opportunites and education, less need for workers in the family, better health care options).
What type of survivorship curve would an oak tree have?
Would finches on the isolated islands of the Galapagos be specialist or generalist? Explain
specialist...there are very few resources and they must adapt to eat those limitations. That is why speciation occurred between islands.
If a plant species in a food chain provides 10,500kg of biomass (NPP), then how much biomass will be at tertiary consumer level?
10,500kg x .10 x.10 x.10 =
Who proposed human population will overshoot carrying capacity and have a dieback due to resource availability?
Thomas Malthus
During which stage of transition does the population suddenly surge?
Stage 2
indicator species
What is a mature concern with monoculture agriculture?
latitude (sunlight), temperature, precipitation, nutrient availability,
What nutrient cycles have rock as their largest sink?
sulfur, phosphorus
Which 2 (of the 4) phases of transition have zero population growth?
When an external factor lowers a population, what do you call the new normal population level?
carrying capacity
Which zone of the ocean would have the lowest biodiversity?
When soil nitrogen is absorbed by plants as nitrite, what is that called?
How can a wetter than normal wet season lead to increase in fires during the dry season for a savanna? Consider what fires burn.
More rain leads to more plants, more biomass, more fuel
How long will it take a population of 20,000,000 people to double if the current growth rate is 1% per year?
70 years (rule of 70)
What would cause a rise in plant diversity after a volcanic eruption?
succession (pioneer species)
A local forest is clear cut to harvest oaks. The forest is then left undisturbed. A tourist visits the forest years later and notices it is mostly aspen and pine and nothing like the original forest. Explain the change in tree dominance.
Pine and aspen are pioneer species. The oak will not return for many years
What could explain a massive dieoff of healthy herbivores on an isolated island without a predator?
over eating food supply (plants)
What is the name for a dead-standing tree left in the forest? Why is it better to leave it standing?
Snag- Habitats for many creatures