What is Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)
Maguire et al 2000
Who did the taxi driver study?
Observed stress in baboons.
What is Robers Sapolski (1990)?
What is a neurotransmitter which affects happiness, learning, and memory?
The map of a human, scaled to match the level of neurological areas and portions of the human brain dedicated to processing motor functions, and/or sensory functions.
What is Cortical Homunculus?
this technique uses electrode sensors that are attached to the scalp, and measures brainwave patterns in a procedural scan.
What is Electron Cephalogram (EEG)?
Draganski 2004
Who studied how brain structure changes via juggling?
The ONE ethical issue to never bring up when writing about animal research
What is AnImAlS cAnNoT gIvE iNfOrMeD cOnSeNt?
What is a hormone which controls our stress response?
A system of neurons that perform the function of communication in the body
What is the nervous system?
this technique uses a high-speed spinning magnet to ionize water in cells, and measures the hydrogen ion levels, capturing a voxel-based process scan.
What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?
Gazzaniga 1967
Who did the split brain study?
Studied how dogs learn to be depressed
What is Martin Seligman (1967)?
What is "The love Hormone"?
The idea that every behavior has its specific place in the brain and is associated with a certain brain area.
This technique uses a high-speed spinning magnet to capture blood-oxygen levels, to create a 3d voxel-based procedural scan.
Bouchard 1990
Studied sea slugs to learn about memories.
What is a neurotransmitter which controls reward and motivation?
The part of the brain associated with reasoning, planning, thinking, and decision-making, voluntary action, and complex emotion
What is the frontal lobe?
this technique uses a small injection of radiolabeled simple sugar and glucose, the radiation of the injection is picked up by the scan to create a procedural scan.
What is Positron Emission Tomography (PET)?
Crockett et al 2010
Who did the SSRI study about how an SSRI would affect responses to situations involving infliction of harm on others?
The aim of Merzenich's study on Owl Monkeys.
What is To Create a Cortical Representation of Monkeys' Fingers?
What is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter which controls the fight-or-flight response?
This contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus. It is sometimes referred to as the "emotional brain"
What is the limbic system?