I really can’t stay…
Baby it’s cold outsise
What is the weight of the heaviest baby ever born?
22 pounds
What letter of the alphabet do most baby names start with?
What is the name of Grinch‘s loyal dog?
What do they call the kids blanket in Mr. Mom?
“My woobie“
Baby please come home…
The snows coming down, I’m watching it fall…
They're singing deck the halls, but it’s nothing like Christmas at all…
What has been the longest pregnancy?
375 days
Beulah Hunter's baby girl, Penny Diana, was finally born on the 21st of February in 1945, she was almost 100 days overdue.
At what age do most babies start teething?
Around 6 months
In Its a Wonderful Life, what does George promise to get for Mary?
The Moon
In 2008’s “Baby Mama,” starring Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, which one plays the successful businesswoman who can’t get pregnant, and which is the trainwreck of a surrogate she hires?
Tina Fey, businesswoman; Amy Poehler, surrogate
Mary did you know…
That your baby boy would someday walk on water
That your baby boy would save our sons and daughters
What’s the Guinness World Records for the most babies delivered in a single birth and all survive?
10 babies
Nadya Suleman, a South African woman, has broken a Guinness World Record as she gave birth to 10 babies at once.
What body part are babies born without that doesn’t start developing until 6 months?
Knee caps
A toothbrush
In the movie Big Daddy, what is the boys favorite toy‘s name?
Scuba Steve
I just wanna see my baby…
Standing right outside my door
How old was the oldest person to ever give birth?
74 years old
Erramatti Mangayamma is the oldest person ever to give birth, giving birth to twin girls in India on September 5, 2019.
What is the soft spot on the top of a babies head called?
How fast do you mix the strata?
“Just fast fast fast as your wrist will allow”
In the movie Baby Boom, where does Diane Keaton move?
The church bells in town…
Valentina Vassilyeva holds the world record for the most babies born to one person. How many children did she birth?
69 children
Valentina Vassilyeva, the wife of Feodor Vassilyev (b. 1707–c. 1782), a peasant from Shuya, Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765. In 27 confinements she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets.
How big is a new born babies stomach?
About the size of a cherry
In A Christmas Story what radio show is Ralphie obsessed with?
Little Orphan Annie
He listens for the secret decoder ring message everyday
What are the 3 men actors in the Three Men and a Baby movie?