Bart, Lisa and Maggie have these two as parents
Who are Homer and Marge Simpson?
Betsy's Middle Name
What is Kelly?
Baby Sheep
What is a lamb?
This elderly agricultural man is famous for his many vocal animals
Who is Old McDonald?
In this controversial Christmas song the singer wants to extend the evening because of the frosty weather
What is the song "Baby It's Cold Outside"?
Judy and Elroy had these space age parents
Who are George and Jane Jetson?
Betsy's Birthday
What is April 22, 1992?
Baby Kangaroo
What is a Joey?
Little stars in the sky twinkled like this precious gemstone
What is a diamond?
In 1965, Paul McCartney wrote this song that could be taken to be an invite to take the Chevy for a spin
What is the Beatles hit "Baby, You can drive my car"
In this 70s sit com, these parents had one daughter named Gloria
Who are Archie and Edith Bunker of all in the Family?
Betsy's Due Date
What is May 4, 2025?
Baby Giraffe
What is a calf?
Who is Mary?
This Buddy Holly classic song came out in 1957!
What is the song "Maybe Baby"?"
Sheldon's parents in this nerdy sit com were bigger players in the spin off
Who are George and Mary Cooper?
The official weight of Betsy at birth
What is 5 lbs 3 oz?
Baby Fox
What is a Kit?
The rain washed the itsy bitsy spider from this
What is a waterspout?
In this 1992 hit, the artist Sir Mix Alot wasn't singing about infants!
What is the song "Baby Got Back"?
Margot, Edith, and Agnes are the adopted children of this fictional character
Who is Gru?
The number of hangers with clothing items, washed and ready, currently waiting for Baby Halstead to arrive
What is 160?
Baby Dove
What is a squab?
The place little Miss Muffet sat to eat her curds and whey
What is a tuffet?
This classic lullaby originated in 1785 and is still sung today
What is "Rock a Bye Baby"?