Perez Family
Little Sarah

This refers to the specific time or routine during which a person, especially a child, prepares for and goes to sleep for the night. It encompasses the activities and rituals associated with winding down and transitioning from wakefulness to sleep.

What is bedtime?


This is the first of the 5 senses that a fetus develops.

What is touch?


This is the first organ that develops in a fetus.

What is a heart?


This is the year that Sarah and Gustavo got married.

What is 2019?


This is the instrument Little Sarah began playing at about 6 years old.

What is piano?


These are routine tasks that need to be performed regularly to maintain cleanliness, organization, and functionality within a home or other settings. They are often divided among family members to distribute responsibilities and ensure that essential tasks are completed.

What are chores?


This is a movement pattern that some infants use to get around before they start crawling or walking. It typically involves a baby moving by pushing themselves along the floor using their bottom or legs rather than using their hands and knees.

What is scooting?


This is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds and protects the fetus during pregnancy. 

What is amniotic fluid?


This is Baby Perez's due date.

What is October 19th, 2024?


This is Sarah's date of birth.

What is March 13th, 1994?


This is a behavioral management technique used to discipline children by temporarily removing them from a situation where they are misbehaving. The purpose is to give the child a break from the environment where the inappropriate behavior occurred, allowing them time to calm down and reflect on their actions.

What is timeout?


This is an early stage of vocal development in infants, typically occurring between 6 to 8 weeks of age. It involves producing soft, pleasant, and rhythmic vowel sounds, such as "oo" or "ah," and is an important part of how babies begin to communicate and develop their language skills.

What is cooing?


These are involuntary contractions of the fetus' diaphragm muscle that are believed to help the muscle practice its movement and prepare for breathing after birth.

What are hiccups?


This is Nico's full name (first, middle, and last).

What is Nicodemus Gustavo Perez?


This is the other athletic activity Little Sarah was known for prior to committing completely to soccer.

What is ballet?


This is a behavioral management technique that involves rewarding a child after they demonstrate a desired behavior to make it more likely that the behavior will be repeated.

What is positive reinforcement?


Aside from black, white, and gray, this is typically the first color that a baby can see.

What is red?


This is the word used to describe a change in physical appearance that can be observed in some pregnant women due to increased blood volume, changing hormones, and elevated mood.

What is glowing?


This is the age difference between Grace and Nico (rounded to the nearest month).

What is 1 year and 7 months / 19 months?


This was notably Little Sarah's favorite TV show.

What is Barney?


This is a behavioral management technique used to address minor misbehaviors by intentionally not acknowledging them. The goal is to reduce the likelihood of the behavior recurring by not giving it attention.

What is active ignoring?


This is an involuntary reflex that is present in newborns and infants. It is a reflexive grasp that occurs when an object or a caregiver’s finger is placed in the infant's palm. The baby will automatically close their fingers around the object or finger, gripping it tightly.

What is palmar reflex / palmar grasp reflex? 

This is a common label that refers to the cognitive changes and memory lapses that some women experience during pregnancy.

pregnancy brain / mommy brain


This is Gustavo's date of birth.

What is June 6th, 1995?


This is the hospital in which Sarah was born.

What is (Health First's) Cape Canaveral Hospital?
