Alternative name for a baby pacifier
What is a binky?
Baby Tran's mom's age in this photo
What is 2?
This traditionally hangs over a baby's head in the crib
What is a mobile?
Britney Spears' first hit song
...Baby One More Time
Amy & Ozzie met this year
What is Aug 7?
What can a baby do up until 7 months that an adult cannot?
Breathe and swallow at the same time
Anthony's age in this photo
What is 5 months?
The term for doctors specializing in babies and children
What is a pediatrician?
A Mariah Carey Ballad
Anthony's dream job as a kid
What is a firefighter?
This device helps soothe a baby's gum
What is a teething ring?
The age of Anthony
What is 3?
A baby uses this to scoot around the house
What is a walker?
Cold 90's hit
Ice Ice Baby
The age Anthony entered his kpop era
The most common first word spoken by a baby
What is dada?
Geet's age
What is 1?
Term to describe wrapping a baby after birth, for comfort, or sleep
What is swaddling?
Baby Got Back
The city and/or Anthony was born in
Calgary, Canada
When mom is 36 weeks pregnant, the baby is the size of this vegetable.
Romaine lettuce or cabbage
The age of this dad-to-be
What is 9?
On average, how many diapers will a baby go through from birth to potty training?
Popular Christmas time hit
Baby It's Cold Outside
The hospital Geet was born in
St. Peter's University Hospital