Leadership & Business of Babysitting
Home Safety
Developmental Play & Infant Care
Emergencies & First Aid
Choking & CPR

What does the FIND decision making model stand for?

F-figure out the problem 

I-identify possible solutions

N-name the pros and cons for each 

D-decide which solution is best


What is the most important responsibility as a babysitter?

Keep children safe

What is the main job of young children? 



What are the steps to respond to an emergency?

Check, Call, Care


What should you do before helping someone who appears to be choking? 

Tell them your name and that you are trained in First Aid.


If the kids you are babysitting are trying to make a decision that affects everyone but doesn't involve safety, what type of leadership style should you use? 



What should you do if the house phone rings while you are babysitting? 

Don't tell the caller that the parents are away and you are babysitting.  Instead say "Mr. or Mrs. __ is busy right now.  May I take a message?"


Name 2 physical milestones for a toddler.

Drinks from a cup

Walks/runs well

Starts potty training

Dress, feeds self with help 

Walks up & down steps with help 

Kicks and catches a large ball 


Name 3 things you should check for if you think a child is hurt? 

Breathing and pulse


Ability to move body parts


Skin color and temperature 


How many cycles of CPR should you complete in 1 minute?



If the one of the kids you are babysitting is about to hit the other with a stick, what leadership style should you use? 



Name 2 things you can do to prevent burns or wounds.

Use safety covers on all electrical outlets

Turn pot handles on the stove to the inside/out of reach

Do not warm up a baby bottle in the microwave

Make sure there is at least 1 working smoke alarm in the house

Keep matches and lighters locked and out of reach 

Keep sharp objects (scissors, knives) out of reach

Use proper protective gear when playing outside 


If a baby is spitting up milk while drinking a bottle, what should you do? 

Use bulb syringe to clear mouth, then nose

*100 bonus points for correct demonstration


If a child cuts their arm on a sharp object and there is blood gushing from the wound, how should you stop it?

Apply pressure using whole upper body 

**100 bonus points for correct demonstration 


What are the steps for using an AED?

1) Turn it ON

2) Apply pads to chest 

3) Follow prompts- stay clear and don't touch patient 

4) Press shock button if it tells you to

*100 bonus points for correct demonstration


Name 2 ways you can be a good role model as a babysitter. 

Follow rules & instructions given by parents

Talk with and show respect 

Be honest 

Have a positive attitude 

Focus on keeping children safe

Apply appropriate consequences 

Make the best out of difficult situations

Lead by example 


Name 2 things you can do to prevent bites or stings.

Stay away from wild animals or pets acting strange

Use insect repellent 

Have children wear long clothing and shoes if playing near wooded areas

Leave any areas that have insects that may bite or sting 


List the 4 types of consequences that can be used when a child misbehaves.



Withhold privileges

Time Out 


If you think a child has a broken bone after falling off a trampoline, what materials can you use to make a splint?

Magazines, cardboard box pieces, or rolled up towels secured with a shoelace, neck or robe tie, or belt

*100 bonus points for correct demonstration 


What are the steps for caring for a choking infant?

Give 5 back blows between shoulder blades

Give 5 chest thrusts between nipple

*200 bonus points for correct demonstration


Name 3 things about a babysitting job that you should find out in the family interview. 

Date & time of job

Number & ages of children you will babysit

Transportation- how you will get to the job 

House rules

Duties you need to complete (cooking, serving meal, medications, cleaning, pet care, bedtime)


To prevent choking, toys and objects for infants and toddlers should be no smaller than how many inches in diameter? 

1 3/4 inches (anything that can fit inside a toilet paper roll)


How do you change a dirty diaper? 

Place the new diaper underneath the baby

Remove the old diaper

Wipe from front to back 

Fold the diaper tabs from the back to the front and secure

**200 bonus points for correct demonstration 


If a child has an allergic reaction, how do you administer an epi pen? 

Pull off the cap 

Insert the epi pen into the outer thigh and hold for 10 seconds

*200 bonus points for correct demonstration


How many compressions and breaths do you administer in Child CPR?

30 compressions, 2 breaths

*300 bonus points for correct demonstration
