You're The Boss
The Business of Babysitting
Safe & Sound on The Job
Understanding Kids 0-10
It's and Emergency! Now what?

Name two ways you can be a good role model!

1) Follow the rules set by parents/guardians and respect the home. 

2) Be interactive, stay off of devices.


What is the FIRST thing you do before accepting a babysitting job?

1) Meet the parent/guardian and the child. 


What is the most important responsibility when babysitting?

1) Keep the child safe & yourself safe.


Main job of young children.

1) A child's job is to play and follow age-appropriate instructions while being safe and supervised as well as following rules and schedules set by parents/guardians.


What is the most important thing to do in an emergenct?

1) Call 911 and notify the parents of the situation. 


What does FINO stand for?

First in never out.


What is the best way to find babysitting jobs?

Ask friends and family, local/social media advertising.


What do you do if they have an electronic security system?

Ask "Does your home have an emergency electronic system? Would you like me to use it? If so, can you please show me how to use it? What do I do if it is mistakenly set off?"


2 Social Milestones for a preschooler.

1) When they can play coherently with other children.

2) Being able to negotiate solutions for conflicts.


How to find out if unconscious or just sleeping?

1) Gently speak to them, shake them lightly, and check for breathing; an unconscious child will not respond to stimuli or be breathing as a sleeping child would. 


Getting along? Leadership, Resolving Conflicts.

1) Avoid taking sides or getting emotionally involved in conflicts.

2) Focus on finding a solution that is fair and respectful to all parties. 


What is a resume?

a document that you send to potential (babysitting) employers, whether they are individual families or babysitting organizations


How do you determine if a toy is safe for the child's age?

1) Look for the toys that are labeled with age recommendations from the manufacturer.

2) Avoid toys with small parts & sharp edges for children under 3.

3) Always supervise children during playtime to prevent accidents.


4 Types of consequences

1) Positive Reinforcement

2) Negative Reinforcement

3) Positive Punishment

4) Negative Punishment


What are the 3 ways you must approach an emergency?

1) Check: the surroundings, the child.

2) Call: 911 & the emergency contact/parents.

3) Care: for the child in the appropriate manner until help arrives. 


2 Guidelines when communicating with adults?

1) Clear & Open Communication.

2) Take time to discuss expectations, routines, specific concerns you or parents may have.

3) etc.


3 things to find out during family interview?

1) If the child has allergies.

2) The parents emergency contact information.

3) The child's full name and nickname if any.

4) etc. there are several good helpful questions!


2 things to prevent bites/stings?

1) Always make sure the child wears shoes, sunscreen, & insect repellant outside.
2) Keep kids away from animals that are acting strange.


1 Reason why playing is important

1) It is a way for children to learn about themselves and the rest of the world. 


Steps to care for a choking infant. 

1) First call for emergency help (911)

2) Then perform back blows and chest thrusts until the object dislodges or help arrives, or the infant becomes unresponsive. 

3) Notify the parents of the incident ASAP.


3 ways children diverse

1) Cultural backgrounds

 2) Abilities 

3) Family structures


How do you figure out how much to charge?

1) Ask other babysitters you know what they charge. 

2) Ask parents you know what they pay for babysitters. 


Safety Rules for crossing the street.

1) Hold the hand of the child if able too.

2) On a sidewalk, have the child walk on the inside, with you closest to the street. 

2) Look and listen for traffic to the left, then to the right, and then to the left again.


2 Ways to encourage positive behavior

1) Giving consistent praise and positive reinforcement.

2) Create simple necessary rules and remind the children of them often, they often learn through repetition.


2 Sources of burns.

1) Scalding (hot water/liquids)

2) Flames
