When was Johann Sebastian Bach born?
21st of March 1685
What musical family background did he have?
He was born into a musical family
Bach is known as the Master of what?
Where was he born?
Eisenach, Germany
Who looked after him after he became orphaned?
His eldest brother
What faith influenced Bach’s later musical works?
His Lutheran faith
What happened to many of Bachs children with Anna Magdalena Wücklen?
More than half of them died as children
Which instrument is Bach known for in his compositions?
The organ
What era of music did Bach belong to?
The Baroque Era
How old was Bach when he became orphaned?
Before he turned 10 years old
Which choir was Bach selected for during his school years?
A choir of poor boys at the school Michaelskirche, Lüneburg, Germany
How many children did Bach have with Maria Barbara Bach?
In what city did Bach work as an organist at St Boniface Church?
Until what age did Bach stay with his brothers family?
What religious music piece was bach known for composing?
Mass in B Minor
in which year did Bach marry his cousin, Maria Barbara Bach?
What instruments did Bach play after his voice changed?
Violin and Harpsicord
What is considered one of Bach’s most important works that laid the foundation of modern keyboard music?
The Well-Tempered Clavier