What is the bride's astrological zodiac sign?
Where did the groom graduate from college?
Northern Arizona University
Where did the couple go on their official first date?
Officially, Gordon Biersch
What was the first website to hit one billion users in the 2000's?
What major blockbuster movie based on a historical tragic event released in 1997?
Name 1 high school club that the bride was in
Anime club, Gaming/Comics club, Spanish Honors Society, FBLA, Newspaper, Varsity Golf, J.V. Pole Vaulting
What is the groom's favorite hobby?
Who initiated the first unofficial date at Canes?
What is the mascot for the high school in "High School Musical"?
What animated movie featuring a lost princess and a bat named Bartok came out in 1997?
If the bride could only eat one meal for the rest of her life, what would it be?
Either Mac N Cheese or Bimbimbap
Name 1 sport the groom played growing up?
Soccer, Street hockey, Swim, and Golf
What is the couples favorite date night activity?
Bowling or Video Games
Which female popstar first played their iconic music video on MTV TRL in the 90s?
Britney Spears "... Baby One More Time"
What handheld digital pet, popular in 1997, needed to be fed and taken care of?
What is the bride's favorite movie?
John Dies at the End
What is the groom's biggest pet peeve?
Not using your turn signal
What was their first vacation together?
Washington D.C.
This 2007 viral video on YouTube, featuring a laughing baby, became one of the first truly viral sensations, garnering millions of views.
"Charlie Bit My Finger?"
What videogame system, known for its block graphics, was one of the most popular consoles in 1997?
Nintendo 64
What is the brides favorite card in a deck?
4 of clubs
What was the groom's weapon main in base Monster Hunter World.
Switch Axe
What is the shared interest that the couple first bonded over?
Music/ Band
(They met at Marching Band Camp at 14 years old. Everyone say AWW!)
What was the name of the digital music service Microsoft launched in the mid-2000s to compete with itunes, which was later shut down?
What was the #! song on the Billboard Hot 100 song of the week the bride and groom was born?
MMMBop by Hanson