Where did the bride and groom meet?
What is Tennessee Tech
What is the groom's middle name?
First job?
What is cashier at Food City
Percentage of American couples that live together before marriage?
What is 70%
What was the first vacation the happy couple took together?
What is Orlando / Universal Studios
Favorite pastime?
What is Golf
Biggest pet peeve?
What is too many to pick just one
During weddings that dated back to the 15th century, this was used to mask body odors
What is a bouquet
Honey moon
Where is the honeymoon?
What is Excellence Resort in Punta Cana
Favorite movie?
What is the Saw series
Favorite color?
What is green
What is the most popular wedding destination?
What is Las Vegas. Approximately 114k per year. Nevada also holds the record for most divorces
Who said I love you first?
Who is Bryce
Favorite cocktail?
What is Crown peach and Sprite
Favorite vacation spot?
What is the lake
How many years is the longest on record?
What is 84 years. Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher broke the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage. They were married on May 13, 1924. Both passed away in 2011 and 2013 at 105 years old
Where did the couple get Roxie?
Who is a homeless man at Kroger in Johnson City
Bryce's favorite way to show Mackenzie love?
What is the smooch and toot, a tale as old as time
What is the bride's favorite thing about the groom?
What is humor and confidence
What side does the bride traditionally stand on, and why?
What is the Left. In Medieval times, the groom would often keep his sword arm free to protect his bride from any potential attackers or hostile suitors who might try to steal her away during the ceremony .