What is Jaycie's middle name?
What is Weston's favorite sport?
What high school did the couple attend?
Riverton High School
What is the date of the wedding?
March 7th, 2024
What was Jaycie's first official job?
Gymnastics coach at the rec center
Where did Weston serve his mission?
What is the couple doing this summer?
Moving for summer sales
What is the name of the wedding reception venue?
The Studio
What is something Weston does that annoys Jaycie?
Tickles her until she pees
How many siblings does Weston have?
Who said I love you first?
Where is the couple going on their honeymoon?
Cancun, Mexico
How many boys has Jaycie kissed?
When is Weston's birthday?
How many kids does the couple want?
What food is being served at the wedding?
What is Jaycie's favorite physical feature of Weston's?
His eyes and lips
What is Weston's dream career?
How long did the couple date?
Name every bridesmaid
Braidie, Ronnie, Arica, Sage, Hallie, & Hannah