The age Summer started playing soccer?
What Is 5 years old
The name of Taylors major at Holy Names
What is Bachelor of Arts in Sport Administration
The name of their cat
What is Elvis
Summers favorite place to shop
What is Amazon
Tony Starks daughter
Who is Morgan Stark
Summers first college roomate
Who is Allie Sementelli
The character Taylor dressed up as in Hawkmania
What is a Narwhal
The month they got engaged
Taylors favorite restaurant (in California)
This thing attacked Harry Potter in the alleyway in Little Whinging.
What are dementors
What town Summer was born in
What is Irvine
Taylors favorite Harry Potter Movie
Deathly Hallows Part 2
How long have Taylor and Summer been together?
Their favorite place traveled together
What is Florida (or New York)
The weapon used by Green Goblin.
What is a pumpkin bomb
This Disney or Pixar character is Summers favorite
What is Buzz Lightyear
The high school did Taylor attended
What is Central Kitsap High school
The place they went on their first date
Twin Peaks in San Francisco
The trip they most recently went on
What is Yosemite
In the movie, "How to lose a guy in 10 days", what is the name of the company Ben works for?
What is Warren Advertising
Summers high school mascot?
What is the Brahma (or bull)
Taylors Snapchat Handle
What is bballforeva22
This is their favorite activity to do together
What is sit on the couch and watch movies
Summers biggest pet peeve that Taylor does
What is when Taylor leaves the close next to the hamper instead of inside the hamper...
or when she splashes water on the mirror lol
In the movie "Just Go With It", what does Katherine (Jennifer Annistons character) order when she's "clean and sober"
What is a dirty martini.