What is Good Things Expectations?
The distance between So and Mi.
What is a skip?
A sound that lasts one beat (Ta).
What is a Quarter note?
Five lines and four spaces
What is a Music Staff?
My dream vacation is the Shire in New Zealand.
Who is Ms. Couch?
Playing on the risers, running up the ramp, going behind the piano or teacher area.
Where are the off-limits places?
If So is on a line...
What is Mi on a line?
Two sounds on one beat (Ta-di)
What are two eighth-notes?
Lines that help measure the music. Typically every 4 beats.
What are bar lines?
I wear sparkles.
Who is Coach Carter?
We echo Ms. Couch and stand quietly waiting for the next instruction.
What is "Please stand up?"
The distance between So and La
What is a step?
Takes up a beat of silence (shh).
What is a quarter rest?
Names of the line notes.
What is EGBDF? (Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge)
My dream vacation is to travel to Ireland.
Who is Ms. Jimenez?
What are turn and talk expectations?
A song that has So, Mi, and La that we sing in music class.
What is Rain Rain Go Away? (others we can check)
The usual number of beats in musical phrase.
What is a 4 beat phrase?
The space notes on the staff.
What is FACE in the Space?
I'm learning to crochet.
Mrs. Simons
Write one thing that describes a model student, one thing that describes a model teacher, and way to handle a disagreement.
What is a Behavior Contract?
Identify the solfege and name the song.
What is Rain Rain Go Away?
Write a 4 beat rhythm with at least one of each known rhythm (Quarter note, Eighth note, Rest)
What is composing?
What is the Treble Clef? (50 extra points if you can draw one!)
I like Japanese food.
Who is Coach Senter.