What is the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom?
Get out your packet and start the warm up
What is the next PBIS event?
BINGO - January 31st
20 Hillsbills
There will be prizes for the first few winners.
How should it look like when working with a partner?
When working with partners you should be taking turns answering questions. Staying on task and in your designated area.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
1. Pair up
2. Count to 3 and on go show either rock/paper/scissor
3. If you lost please take a seat and watch.
4. Last Person standing - See teacher after class
How should the room look when you leave the classroom?
All materials (calculators, packets, pencils) should all be picked up and chairs pushed in.
How do you receive a pencil if you do not have one?
If you do not have a pencil, wait until the teacher comes into the classroom. Turn in your ID or laptop in order to borrow a pencil. Pencils must come back to me sharpened at the end of class.
What test is happening next week?
What should it sound like when you are working together?
Heads or Tails
1. I will flip a coin, before I flip you will need to pick heads or tails.
2. If it lands on what you pick you stay standing, if it did not land on what you pick you take a seat.
3. Last person standing - see teacher after class.
True or False:
Everyone should line up by the door before the bell rings.
What happens when you are tardy more than 3 times to class?
If you come into class after the second bell you are considered tardy. After the third tardy it will be lunch detentions. After the 5th tardy We will contact home and find a time to make up what you are missing of class.
When is the next dance?
The next dance is March 1st - 3 or less major referrals in order to attend. You have a fresh start for this.
What should I see when I am teaching at the board?
I should see all students following along to the lesson by writing down notes, eyes on the speaker and participating (raising hand and answering/asking questions).
Pencil Balance
You balance your pencil horizontally over their index fingers. Then, do a lap around your pod. If you drop the pencil take a seat.
How should pencils be returned?
Students should be sitting quietly and completing their warmup while their teachers have time to take attendance and prepare for class.
When is the next day your do not have school?
January 15th and 16th you have off for MLK Day and PD day for Teachers
How does it look like when you are given class time to work on your practice problems?
I should see everyone using the time to practice the questions that are similar to their test. If I see students working and using their time appropriately, I will reward.
Chat a lot
2 -3 minutes of chat time with a friend from a different pod.
How should your voice level be when leaving the classroom?
You should leave the classroom with a quiet voice and hands/feet to self.
True or False:
When entering the classroom I should immediately ask to leave the classroom (get missing materials, bathroom, break, etc.)
False: The first 5 - 10 minutes of class we need you in your seats and starting the warmup. If you are following these expectations, I am more than happy to work with you.
What is our next unit about in math?
When is it appropriate to ask to use the restroom or get a drink during instruction?
An appropriate time to ask is when you are given work time. I will allow you to go when you are following along with the lesson.
Bathroom Procedure one student leaves the classroom at a time, you will have 3 minutes.
Four Corners
I will play music, you pick a corner of the room when the music stops. I will the use a number generator, whatever number is selected will need to sit down. We will keep going until one person is left.
What should you do during passing time?
Use the time wisely to use the restroom and socialize with your friends for a few seconds but make it to your classes on time :)