What is the first thing you should do when you enter the classroom?
Start working on IXL
When is the next assembly?
Today at 2:15.
How should it look like when working with a partner?
When working with partners you should be taking turns answering questions. Staying on task and in your designated area.
During “break time” after IXL, what are the expectations?
1. Quiet Fun
2. Use the bathroom
3. Get water
4. Get ready for math.
How should the room look when you leave the classroom?
All materials (calculators, packets, pencils) should abe picked up and chairs pushed in.
How do you receive a pencil if you do not have one?
If you do not have a pencil, raise your hand BEFORE the lesson starts and ask for one (make sure pencils are sharp Bx ready to go as well Saige 🤣)
What test is happening next week?
MAP Testing. Hooray.
What should it sound like when you are working together?
Teachers should hear both students participating and talking about the math. We should hear students asking each other questions and not giving other students answers.
What are the expectations for “Down Time?”
Down Time is a SILENT break used to relax, calm down and use the restroom.
True or False:
Everyone should line up by the door before the bell rings.
False: you should be waiting in your seat waiting to be dismissed.
What happens when you are tardy?
Enter quietly, hand Mr. Schutter the tardy slip and quietly catch up.
What days do we have Music, P.E. and Art?
Music- Monday
P.E.- Wednesday
Art- Friday
What should I see when I am teaching at the board?
I should see all students following along to the lesson by writing down notes, eyes on the speaker and participating (raising hand and answering/asking questions).
How should you act during lunch.
Calm, quiet and eating. I won’t throw food or get out of my seat with out permission.
Where do you turn in your written work?
ELA in box.
What happens if you have a question or want to respond to the class?
I will raise my hand to speak at all times!
When is the next day you do not have school?
January 20. MLK Day.
How does it look like when you are given class time to work on your practice problems?
I should see everyone using the time to practice the questions that are similar to their test. If I see students working and using their time appropriately, I will reward. IT SHOULD ALSO BE QUIET!
What are the expectations for recess?
Have fun. Don’t fight. Hangout with people I like. Don’t throw snow. Use computer appropriately if I stay in.
How should your voice level be when leaving the classroom and walking in the halls?
You should leave the classroom with a quiet voice and hands/feet to self.
What is our next unit about in math?
When is it appropriate to ask to use the restroom or get a drink during instruction?
An appropriate time to ask is when you are given work time. I will allow you to go when you are following along with the lesson.
Bathroom Procedure one boy and one girl leave the classroom at a time, you will have 3 minutes.
What are bathroom expectations?
I have 3 minutes to use the restroom, get a drink and head straight back to class.
What are dismissal expectations?
Floor picked up, desks cleaned off, chairs up, waiting to be dismissed?